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如何进行引导式景象刻画?。How do you do guided imagery?

刻画出你对一个朋友的记忆。Carve out a memory for a friend.

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你看见我的点刻画像了?Did you see my stipple portrait?

一面墙详细的刻画了医疗用具。One wall has carvings of medical tools.

我们刻画了无套利区间。We characterize arbitrage-free interval.

这是一个刻画温度变化规律的方程。Well, this equation governs temperature.

有两种方法来刻画你的领导力。There are two ways to portray leadership.

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圣约翰洗者被刻画得很像以利亚。John the Baptist is portrayed like Elijah.

有时间刻画容颜本身就是一种美丽。There is beauty in leting time do its duty.

不确定项用有界范数来刻画。The uncertainty is described by bounded norm.

在进行引导式景象刻画时,你要运用到一切感官。You use all of your senses in guided imagery.

一面墙详细的刻画了医疗用具。One wall has detailed carvings of medical tools.

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在这出剧中把国王刻画成一个反面人物。The king is represented as a villain in the play.

奥尔特将反面影响刻画为交学费。Mr. Alter describes the fallout as 'paying tuition.

作者在其故事中刻画了许多人物。The author delineated many characters in his story.

这幅图刻画一个非常发人深思的情景。The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene.

他是影片中刻画得最深刻的人物形象。He is the most sharply etched character in the movie.

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人物形态安详,刻画入微。The figures, meticulously depicted, all look composed.

也从而刻画出了异域之上的众生百态。Which also depicts the exotic beings on the attitudes.

为在和平时期,只有笔才能刻画出战争的伟大。In times of peace, only a pen can depict the great war.