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他去处不明。His present whereabouts is unknown.

那么圣乔治堡将会是你理想的去处。Castelo de Sao Jorge is the place to go.

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正午的骄阳高高挂起,那是我日常漫步的去处。There daily I wander as noon rises high.

试试最价廉物美的去处--拉斯维加斯吧。Try the best bargain getaway -- Las Vegas.

对于夏季度假者来说,这是个理想的去处。It is an ideal resort for summer vacationists.

如果你是个吃货,这是最佳去处。If you are a foodie, it's the best place to go.

对于许多人来说,沃尔玛成了他们购物的唯一去处。For many, it became the only place they shopped.

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对于投资者来说,非洲是一个令人兴奋的去处。For investors, Africa is an exciting place to be.

在记忆箱中留一个便条告诉子女信的去处。Leave a note in the box to say who has the letter.

见儿子有了去处,文红旗终于松了口气。The place to see son has red flag finally relieved.

每到一处,他都询问父亲的去处。Wherever the son went, he inquired about his father.

辽宁红海滩是一个湿地观光旅游的极好去处。It is a wonderful scenic wetland tourist resort area.

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我的那个音乐酒吧近来成了受欢迎的去处。My music bar has recently turned out a popular hangout.

若能以此去处事,一生安乐任逍遥。If can go in this life, happiness as free and unfettered.

太田痣可治疗吗?我要有太田痣,太田痣用什么可以去处啊?Ota treat it? I have Ota, nevus of Ota what can place ah?

要查看内核已经支持了哪些设备,最好的去处是内核帮助文件。The best place to look is in the Linux kernel help files.

说点正经的吧,马累是品味小城海景的绝佳去处。Say a decent bar, Male is a great place to taste sea town.

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当然,卡姆登市集是最好的去处之一,然后,Of course Camden Market is one of the best places, and then

一个最佳观赏去处是德文郡达特山谷的亨百丽森林。One lovely spot is Hembury Woods in the Dart Valley, Devon.

通常有几个比较受欢迎的去处,比如澳大利亚。There are well-trodden trails abroad, such as to Australia.