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它是a,y的平方。It's a y squared.

每一平方厘米!In every square centimeter!

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它们以平方的速度增长They go up at rates squared.

其实是一个很简单的求一个数的平方的过程。Got a simple square procedure,.

等于a除以摩尔体积V杠的平方。a over the molar volume squared.

等于a除以摩尔体积的平方。Equals a over molar volume squared.

对数?线性?指数?平方?Log? Linear? Exponential? Quadratic?

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这间公寓几平方英呎呢?How many square feet is the apartment?

这是一个平方,给你一个比。This is a squared, give you a percent.

你计算E的平方的平均值。You calculate the average of E squared.

也就是这种算法是平方级别的。So it's quadratic, in terms of that sort.

所以求它的公式是长度/时间平方。So you get length divided by time squared.

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记住,和我们的平方成比例。Remember, it is proportional to our square.

面积大概有一百平方码。The area is approximately 100 square yards.

线性次遍历,平方,对么?A linear number of things, quadratic. Right?

,乘以分子的平方4x平方。N2O4 n Multiply, square the top, 4x squared.

每平方码密集地聚集着300个。Packed as densely as 300 to the square yard.

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求它的平方,如果1的平方小于等于x的话。If it's not greater than x, take 2. Square it.

那么就跳到2,求它的平方。If it's not greater than x, take 3. Square it.

一个平方项总是非负的。The square of something is always non-negative.