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即使做的对的,也不能越俎代庖。If done right, can take over.

但是是和你妈妈睡觉的那个人,为你爸爸越俎代庖了。But I can do your mother on your father's behalf.

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法律部门在这个问题上实际上是越俎代庖了。In truth, the legal establishment's authority in this area is misplaced.

副总统恶毒地回答道,“那么,也许现在是我们越俎代庖时候了。”The Vice President bitterly replies, “Then maybe it’s time we broke ranks.”

你无法替别人做决定,亦不可让别人替你越俎代庖。You can't make someone else's choices. You shouldn't let someone else make yours.

越俎代庖有悖于市场经济规则,放任自流势必导致无序竞争。Replacement offends the market economic rules and doing nothing will lead to disorder competition.

而且在传统习俗上,只有家庭的一家之主才可以把这颗希望之星挂上,旁人是不可以越俎代庖的。And on the traditional custom, only family patriarch can hang up the hope star, others are not personal.

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而且在传统习俗上,只有家庭的一家之主才可以把这颗希望之星挂上,旁人是不可以越俎代庖的。And in the traditional custom, and only the Lord of a family can put the star, others can't hang the longterm.

借由与社区合作,而非为社区越俎代庖,比较有可能对社区产生长远的改变,并在社区生根。By working with the community instead of for the community, longterm change has a better chance of taking hold.

而且在传统习俗上,只有家庭的一家之主才可以把这颗希望之星挂上,旁人是不可以越俎代庖的。And in traditional custom, only the family of a principal can put the star of hope hang, can not meddle in others.

此时,中毒主机越俎代庖,起了缺省网关的作用。Right now, exceed one's duties and meddle in others' affairs of toxic lead plane, had the effect of default gateway.

看到别人电脑的回收站溢出,也有夺其鼠标点其右键删其垃圾越俎代庖之蠢蠢欲动。Seeing others' Depot full, you are ready to meddle in their affairs to delete them, clicking the right button of the mouse.

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基于上述原因,我们修行者尊敬神,但是绝不替天行道,越俎代庖。Due to the said factors, we, the men of practice, respect God but we never do the duty of Heaven or become a substitute for Heaven.

你干嘛不管好你自己的工作,带好英格兰,反而越俎代庖的想着如何击败巴萨。Why don't you focus on your job and help England instead of jumping on the "how to beat Barca wagon". Just shut up and do your job.

即便无所不能的“人肉搜索”有时候会有越俎代庖之嫌,在现实中,真正的社会秩序和公平还是需要通过正常的法律手段来维护。Even almighty "human search" Sometimes there will be preempt the suspect, in reality, the true and fair social order or through the normal legal means to protect.

另一方面,如果家庭成员试图越俎代庖,与病人有冲突,或有这种“我早就告诉过你”的态度,对病人就一点好处都没有。On the other hand, a family member who tries to take over the appointment, contradicts the patient, or has an “I told you so” attitude toward the patient can be more of a hinderance than a help.