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没有肉我们也能设法料理。We can contrive without meat.

望京不多的好料理店。Wangjing not a good restaurant.

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你做了哪种料理啊?What kind of food did you make?

做韩国料理我很拿手。I'm good at cooking Korean food.

一切都事先料理好了。It had been arranged beforehand.

你喜欢中国菜或韩国料理吗?Do you like Chinese or Korean food?

她所煮的美味料理都是给汉瑟吃的。The good food she cooks is for Hansel.

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他的母亲来为他们料理家务。His mother came to keep house for them.

对于我们来说,中华料理是什么呢?What is Chinese cooking for many of us?

价格昂贵,但做的料理很美味。kind of pricey but the food is amazing.

而且我业余时间也喜欢做料理,And I've always loved cooking as a hobby,

泡菜是韩国料理中发酵的什麽?Kimchi is a Korean dish made of fermented?

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这是一家韩国料理店,挺火,需要预约位置。It's Korea taste BBQ. Book seat in advance.

人们想象如果是他的话会怎样创作料理鼠王。One wonders what he would make of Ratatouille.

你需要雇用一名管家来精心料理你的家产。You need a housekeeper to nurse your property.

有他帮同料理,我很放心。It is quite reassuring to have him as a helper.

这家餐厅供应各式各样的咖哩料理。The restaurant offered a variety of curry dishes.

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我答应过荷莉我们会去,好让她弄完料理。I promised Holly we'd go so she can finish cooking.

我学到了很多做料理的方法。Well, I learned a lot about cooking in the process.

妈妈是一个把东西料理得整齐美观的能手。Mother is a great one for keeping things slicked up.