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大公国际对这笔债券给出了AAA评级。Dagong rated the debt AAA.

1571年,大公建造了这所图书馆。The Grand Dukebuilt this library in 1571.

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帕里斯,年轻的伯爵,大公的亲戚。Paris, a young Count, kinsman to the Prince.

在公园快乐游玩中的玥玥大公主!My princess Yue is happily playing in the park!

朵朵都像大公鸡头上红红的鸡冠子。Blossoming is like a big cock head sub-red crest.

你和大公现在是卡斯蒂利亚的君主了。You and the archduke are now the monarchs ofcastile.

属于大公,或与大公地位相适应。Belonging to or befitting an archduke or his archduchy.

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此液压垫的最大公称力是4,500kN。The maximum displacement force in the cushion is 4, 500 kN.

那法兰克大公悲痛地哭着看着自已的士兵被残杀。The Frankish duke wept bitterly to see his soldiers massacred.

我信圣而大公教会、圣徒相通。I believe the holy universal Church, the communion ofthe saints.

一头大公鹿可以造成很严重的伤害,而这头公鹿又确实很大。A big buck can do a lot of damage, and this one was certainly big.

大调第七钢琴、小提琴和大提琴三重奏曲,作品97,“大公三重奏”Trio for Piano, Violin and Cello No. 7 in B major, Op. 97, Archduke.

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荷兰国王成为世袭的卢森堡大公。The king of the Netherlands became hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg.

斐迪南大公的遇刺引发了第一次世界人战。The assassination of archduke ferdinand started off the first world war.

恐怕这这个传统的开始要归咎于一个有魄力的大公身上。Blame it on one enterprising archduke, who arguably started the tradition.

主权债务得到大公国际AAA评级的国家包括挪威、瑞士和新加坡等。Dagong's triple-A rated sovereigns include Norway, Switzerland and Singapore.

大公对新华社说,铁道部依然享有政府的强有力支持。It told the news agency Xinhua the ministry still enjoys strong government support.

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所有的基督徒都相信总结于大公教会信条中之正统的基督论。All Christians believe the orthodox doctrine of Christ summarized in the catholic creeds.

甚至在周三给美国降级之前,大公国际就已经把美国列为比中国风险更大的借贷者。Even before Wednesday's downgrade, Dagong ranked the U.S. as a riskier borrower than China.

大公之子安东从小时候就被只有他自己能听到的声音困扰着。Anton, son of a Duke, has been plagued by voices that only he can hear since he was a child.