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她将药膏轻抹在疹子上。She dabbed the ointment on the rash.

我背上出满了疹子。Rashes have erupted all over my back.

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漂亮,这东西挠我的疹子挠的好舒服。Beautiful. This is really scratching my rash.

消退之前疹子可持续1-5天。The rash lasts one to five days before fading

一旦有长出不明疹子的迹象时就着手治疗。Get treatment at the first sign of unexplained rash.

我浑身出满了疹子,而且痒得要命。I've got a rash all over my body and it itches terribly.

过敏症状包括疹子,气短,和头疼。Allergy symptoms are headache, rash, shortness of breath.

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几乎得天花的所有人都会有明显的疹子。Almost everyone who got smallpox developed a distinct rash.

我不能靠近猫。身上会起可怕的红疹子。I can't go near cat. I always berak out in a horrible red rash.

有些麻疹病人误会疹子是由其它病毒引起的。Some people mistake rashes caused by other viruses for measles.

这之后发烧减轻和疹子消退。After this time, the fever should ease and the rash should fade.

今天我醒来时发现每个腋窝下长了四个大疹子。Today, I woke up to four large pimples under both of my armpits.

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民间也有人把本病叫做“臊疹子”的说法。Some people have this disease called the "smell of urine rash" was.

发病急,开始症状为头痛、畏寒、发热、全身痛,随即出现疹子。Headache, chills, fever, and general pains begin suddenly and a rash soon after.

若你的孩子出现颈项强直或发烧起疹子,你就要去找医生帮忙。Call your doctor for advice if your child has neck stiffness or a rash with a fever.

我浑身上下生满疹子,整天痒得要命。你能给我治一治吗?I've got a rash all over my body and it really itches. Can you give me anything for it?

Bryan在出现常见的副作用之一——背部生满疹子后就停止了注射。Bryan stopped the injections when his back broke out in acne, another common side effect.

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这种过敏引发许多症状,包括疹子,胃肠功能紊乱,甚至危及生命的过敏症状。Symptoms ranging from rashes, gastrointestinal problems, and life-threatening anaphylaxis.

这些疹子并不发痒,通常局限于手掌心和脚掌底。The rash does not itch and it is usually located on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

不典型病变在脸上形成疹子,但通常发生在面颊或者发际。It is unusual for lesions to form on the face, but they may appear on the cheeks or at the hairline.