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我要一个医护兵和一部电台!I need a corpsman and a radio!

最后一种是医护兵,他能治疗和复活其他玩家。Finally, Medics heal and revive other players.

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作为医护人员的宠儿她死在医院里。She died in the hospital petted by all her nurses.

他想到医护兵并怀疑他们会找到什么。He thought about the medicos and wondered what they'd find.

有没有医护人员每周来巡诊?Is there a medical doctor or a nurse on the premises weekly?

雨果.门多萨是亚利桑那州厄尔巴索的一名医护兵。Spec. Hugo Mendoza was a medic from El Paso and Arizona, Sgt.

这批拍卖的防护衣只可作非医护用途。These coveralls are intended to be sold for non-clinical use.

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这些车站医护中心的候诊室特别不规矩。These drop-in centres have particularly shifty waiting rooms.

来自以色列的医护小组今天早上抵达这里。Our emergency paramedic team arrived this morning from Israel.

他销售由一群医护人员提供的一种液体蛋白质。He sold liquid protein served by a staff of doctors and nurses.

另外,在医护人员的空间,科比和Helmeppo正在恢复。Meanwhile, at the medic room, Coby and Helmeppo are recovering.

她托着一个医护托盘,上面的小纸杯内装着药品。She presents a tray with small paper cups filled with medication.

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询问医护人员,那些非处方的药是可以安心服用的。Ask your provider which nonprescription medicines are safe to use.

利用好校园的各种服务,比如校园医护中心和微机房。Make use of campus services like the health center and computer labs.

医护人员处理了杰米手腕上的伤口,将她送离了办公室。Medics work on Jamey’s wrist wounds and move her out of the building.

在游戏里,医护兵正常都在治疗著队友。Strange behavior for a Medic, who would normally be healing his team.

医护人员应有个人专用罩衣、手套、面罩和护目镜。Hospital staff should have individual gowns, gloves, masks and goggles.

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方法对四家综合医院99名产科医护人员采用问卷调查。Methods Questionnaires on 99 obstetric workers in four general hospitals.

这或许能够弥补晚间晚间或周末医护人员不足的问题。This might help make up for lower staffing levels at night or on weekends.

据调查,死者正是这家医院的医护人员小久保美由纪。According to the survey, was in the hospitals medical staff small kubo yuki.