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一些昆虫在冬季蛰伏。Some insects slumber in the winter.

蛰伏在房间里,门关闭着,灯熄灭了。We stay in the room, door closed, lights out.

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我们蛰伏在房间里,门关闭着,灯熄灭了。We stay in the room, door closed, lights out.

然而,光明与黑暗的对决却蛰伏于他的内心深处。But light struggled with dark in Nixon's soul.

她的钟爱之情蛰伏着但很容易被唤醒。Her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened.

此刻,人们以为黑熊是就寝效率最高的蛰伏动物。Black bears are now considered highly efficient hibernators.

我可以想像我们暧昧的情欲从冬眠的蛰伏中开始苏醒,希望开始萌动。I could imagine our sex life coming out of hibernation. Hope bloomed.

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你的气长期地蛰伏在尾椎处,我以适合的音符将之唤醒。Your Qi hibernates in coccyx for long time. I arouse it by proper notes.

在遥远极寒之处蛰伏的冰雪魔神,顺从我的召唤前来。Between dormant in the distant arctic ice devil, to follow my call to come.

蛹蛰伏在土壤中,直到冬天它们才蜕变成蛾子飞出来。The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.

美国首都华盛顿几乎已成蝉的海洋,到处可见这种在地下蛰伏了17年的蝉。The nation's capital is inundated with the once every 17 years appearance of the cicadas.

惊蛰的意思是春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏在土壤中冬眠的动物。Awakening of Insects mean spring's move, awakened dormant in the soil hibernating animals.

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很多会在初霜之时死去,其他的则会蛰伏到来年春天。Many will die off with the first frost whilst others hibernate until the following spring.

皑皑白雪覆盖着崇山峻岭,万物蛰伏在冰雪下蕴蓄生命的力量。Covered with snow-capped mountains, all dormant under ice and snow occur in the power of life.

整个冬天,热情如蛰伏的鸣蝉,哑然于冻土的沟回。Throughout the winter, warm, such as dormant Maemi, Yaran in the permafrost of the groove back.

春天来了,温暖的天气惊醒了蛰伏于我们体内懒散而敏锐的馋虫。Then, spring came. With the warmer weather emerged the more discerning, and lazier, eater in us.

经过几年的韬光养晦,预计蛰伏数年的欧盟银行将再次掀起并购的浪潮。After years of dormancy, the forthcoming years will see a new surge of M&A activities in EU banking.

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立冬是冬季的第一个节气,进入这一时节,天地万物活动都趋向休止,准备蛰伏过冬。It is the first solar term in winter, in this season, myriad activities tend to repose to the dormant winter.

在数年的蛰伏后,托德的创造力终于寻找到合适的形式,像喷泉一样奔涌出来。After dormancy of several years, todd's creativity seeks proper form eventually, flush like fountain come out.

这种带有突起红眼睛的蝉在1996年潜入地下几英尺,并于17年后蛰伏而出。The creatures with bulging red eyes are returning after spending their time a few feet underground since 1996.