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任何人如果杀了该隐,该隐可以七倍奉还。If anyone kills Cain, Cain shall be avenged sevenfold.

货一到我们就会寄出,然后把余额奉还。We sent the goods arrived, and then the shortage will be refund.

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好的事奉还包括一个人对那些他所事奉的对像的情感。Good ministry involves one's affections towards those to whom weminister.

你知道吗,当你帮助别人,这个帮助会双倍奉还给你。Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in two folds?

你知道吗,你帮助别人,你的付出会双倍奉还。Did you know that when you help someone, the help will be returned in two folds?

解脱我自你爱之符咒,奉还我英雄气度,我必供奉你以重获自由之心灵。Free me from your spells, and give me back the manhood to offer you my free heart.

这个行动的确有风险,但是我们预期,这笔钱最终将如数奉还。This action does entail risk, but we expect that this money will eventually be paid back.

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国家文化研究所表彰了那些自愿奉还文物的公民。The National Institute of Culture praised the citizens who voluntarily returned the pieces.

心灵上痛苦,即使十倍的奉还于我,我也想代替承受。Mental suffering, even if I was ten times your money back, I would also like to replace the bear.

如果遇上缺货,我会把缺货的钱奉还给您。请您放心。Should there be out of stock, I will give you your money back out of the money. Please rest assured.

一些人明白人情也有“有效期”,因而要求人家立即奉还。Understanding the shelf life of a favor granted, some colleagues require immediate favor redemption.

这个行动的确有风险,但是我们预期,这笔钱最终将如数奉还。Bush said. "This action does entail risk, but we expect that this money will eventually be paid back."

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首长推门而入,将一切武器逐个奉还,并对刀锋小队的英勇事迹大加贬责。Chief push the door and enter, all weapons, and the blade region. then kelivn squads of heroism saurday BianZe.

我们保证原额奉还任何不满意的货品,退回的货品务必跟收货时的原盒包装无异。We warrant accepting product return with a complete refund provided the product is returned in the original packing.

人民一起奉还大自然对我们的博大真诚的爱,保护大自然,服务大自然。The people return a great universe's love for our great sincerities together, protection great universe, service great universe.

我认识几个书商的学徒使我方便借到一些书,这些书我保持清洁,小心地奉还。An acquaintance with the apprentices of booksellers enabled me sometimes to borrow a small one, which I was careful to return soon and clean.

「一旦敌人攻击我们,我们就有义务加倍奉还」,一名19岁的韩国学生"Once the enemy attacks us, it is our duty to respond even more strongly," said student Jeon Hyun-soo, 19. "The South Korean people want this."

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全球所有优衣库零售员训练有素,均被要求双手奉还顾客信用卡和小票,因为在日本这是很普遍的。All retail associates at Uniqlo stores worldwide are trained to hand your credit card and receipt back with both hands, as it is common in Japan.

「一旦敌人攻击我们,我们就有义务加倍奉还」,一名19岁的韩国学生。"Once the enemy attacks us, it is our duty to respond even more strongly, " said student Jeon Hyun-soo, 19. "The South Korean people want this. "

我奉还您的钥匙,我还未用过它,它对您会有用的,假如您经常像昨天那样不舒服的话。I am returning your key which I have never used and which you may find will answer some useful purpose, if you are often ill the way you were yesterday.