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节目单有变化吗?Does the program change?

这是节目单。Here are the programmes.

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节目单已排好了。The programme has been arranged.

他没在节目单上找到她的名字。He couldn't find her name on the playbill.

节目单中有两首莫扎特的奏鸣曲。The programme includes two Mozart sonatas.

学生课表被称为节目单。The student schedules are called playlists.

有人在印出来的节目单上出了一个小疏误。Someone made a slipup in the printed program.

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招待员站在门口分发节目单。The usher stood at the door giving out programs.

节目单上的第一个节目是木管五重奏。The first item on the program is woodwind quintet.

节目单上最后一个节目是精彩的舞蹈。The last item on the program is a wonderful dance.

进入车展的时候我们得了一张节目单。We were handed a program when we entered the car show.

新闻以及气候预告后面是啥子?你有电视节目单吗?。What's on following the news and weather?Do you have aTV guide?

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在独奏进行时,我希望人们不要把节目单翻得沙沙地响。I wish people wouldn't rustle their programmes during the solos.

但是上演的节目和节目单上的不一样。But the items on the stage are different from those on the playbill.

我在节目单上看到今天下午有一部由亨佛莱。柏格主演的老片子。I read that there was an old Humphrey Bogart movie on this afternoon.

节目单上有关于这个作品的评论,你若喜欢可以先读一下。There's a commentary about it in the program. You can read it if you like.

第五次也是最后一次派彩,整个春节联欢晚会节目单也出炉了。The fifth and final rehearsal, with the entire Spring Festival Gala lineup.

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观众只级在重复滚动的节目单中选择。At the moment, it just scrolls the names of the programs in a repeated loop.

我有一份册子收集著我从小看过节目的节目单。I have a collection of Playbills from all the plays I've seen since I was a teenager.

我在节目单上看见了你的名字,但是直到你上台我才记起来。I saw your name on the programme, but I didn't remember it until you came on the stage.