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这种行为在教室里肯定要遭到非议。Such behavior cannot pass in a schoolroom.

他悍然不顾公众非议。He flies in the face of public disapproval.

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奇幻题材的小说常常遭到不公的非议。Fantasy as a genre is often unfairly maligned.

P2P共享软件的滥用是一个颇具争议的热门话题,非议者不少,而支持者亦众。The abuse of P2P share software is a very disputed and hot topic.

尽管非议不断,但是民众还是喜欢绿树成荫的街道。But despite these complaints, people like more trees on the street.

奥巴马对以巴冲突的缄默引发了境外部分人士的非议。Obama's silence on the Israeli action has led to some sniping abroad.

倘若董事会提早推出一张新面孔,可能会招致非议。Had the board brought in a new face too early, it might have attracted mud.

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但这可能只是因为他逃避了单身生活的非议。But it could just in part because it means escaping the stigma of singlehood.

无论是在国内还是海外,中国精神医疗机构的形象都饱受非议。AT HOME and abroad, China's mental-health establishment suffers image problems.

她不仅输掉了一场输不起的初选,而且在选举过程中被不断非议指责。She not only lost an unlosable primary race. She was dissed and denounced in the process.

但愿会走好,但愿不要引发有些“民非”性质的非议吧!I hope it goes well and hopefully it will not cause any "private non-enterprise" criticism!

西方对中国全面进军非洲责难颇多,但不少非洲知识分子瞧不起西方的非议。Many African intellectuals bridle at Western criticism of China’s African full-court press.

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尽管这种类型颇受非议,但我认为也不能一言以蔽之。Although this kind of type suffers censure quite, but I think also cannot to sum up in a word.

有些人则担心位居太高,在新闻界易遭非议、甚至有遭遇绑架的危险。Others feared having too high a profile and getting criticized in the press or even kidnapped.

虽然许多人会对松本润在影片中的表演有所非议,但他的表演却恰恰是来自于原著的。Though many people blame Matsumoto's acting in this film, but that is from the original novel.

如果雷诺有什么非议的话,那就是联邦政府努力要对这笔奖金通过征税来弄光它。If Leno had a bone to pick, it was with federal efforts to tax the AIG bonuses out of existence.

美国漏洞百出的移民体系已经引得众人批评,而H-2B工作签更是招来各方非议。Like much of America's rickety immigration system, the H-2B programme draws scorn from all sides.

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但在当时,他们并不能够被完全理解,甚至被视为左道旁门,而受到“非议”。Their paintings were not fully understood by many people at the time and were considered eccentric.

得克萨斯人和墨西哥人双方决意在阿拉莫展开厮杀在军事层面上饱受非议。Both the Texan and the Mexican decisions to fight at the Alamo have been criticized on military grounds.

这种崇拜导出了该民族的力量,它纯真的玩世不恭,以及一种幼稚的虚荣,这种虚荣心便解释它为何如此遭受非议。Whence its strength, its innocent cynicism, and a puerile vanity which explains why it is so severely judged.