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苦心人,天不负。Painstaking, day meet.

苦心人,天不负。Good people who live day.

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我看见他正在苦心思索一道算术题。I saw him puzzle over an arithmetic problem.

现在努力学习,报答父母的一片苦心。Now study hard, love for parents a painstaking.

谷歌开发者正在苦心研究这些问题。Google developers are hammering away at the problem.

想到这里我就理解大人们的一片苦心了。I fully understand this situation thinking about this.

他熬费苦心地描绘了这次野餐的根由。Laboriously did he describe the genesis of the picnic.

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我很欣慰,你终于理解我的一片苦心了。I am relieved that you have at last seen my painstaking.

你看,亲爱的,你白费一番苦心贬低自己了。So you see , my dear , you ' ve abased yourself to no purpose.

越王勾践卧薪尝胆,于是有了“苦心人,天不负”这样的豪言壮语。Yue hardships, they have "good people who live day" such words.

他没有制止她,因为他知道她的一片苦心。He did not stop her, because he understood her love towards him.

创新须苦心培养,慷慨资助。Innovation must be painstakingly nurtured and generously funded.

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苦心人、天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。Painstakingly days live, Revival, 3000 Miss Vietnam A can swallow.

我脸红了。一张欠条就让我气愤难平,哪能体谅父亲的一片苦心?I blush. An IOU makes me furious, which can understand his father's a pains?

在美国,郊区住家每年都会在装饰草坪上大费苦心。In America, suburban homes have bigger and spookier lawn displays each year.

苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。Good people, days, three thousand more can sleep on the brushwood, swallow wu.

他叔叔苦心将他训练成一名顶尖的间谍。但不久之后叔叔本人倒去当间谍了!His uncle prepared him well to be a top spy. Soon it is his turn to work as a spy!

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临摹古人,要学他用笔用墨,懂得他苦心构思。Copying the ancients, ink pen with him to learn, to understand the idea of his pains.

谁又说孩子幼小的心灵,能够了解慈母的苦心,能够报答那象春天三月的阳光那么温暖的爱呢?Who says the little soul of grass waving. Could for the warmth repay the sun of spring.

对于您教诲的苦心,我无比感激,并将铭记在心。I am deeping grateful for the effort you made in teaching me and will always remember it.