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有些人对被派到基层耿耿于怀,没能发挥他们的潜力。Some, resenting being sent, failed to fulfil their potential.

寻找一位情感上对自己的缺点最耿耿于怀的总统。Look for the one most emotionally gripped by his own failings.

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这事让你耿耿于怀,或关心的并非是我想看到的。That anything to make you grudge or concerned isn't what I wonna see.

清单不宜过细,对准备工作也别过于耿耿于怀了。Don't get too detailed on this or go overboard with your preparations.

你是否为你曾经做过的事,或失败的事而对自己耿耿于怀?Do you condemn yourself for things which you did--or failed to do--in the past?

它打开每次启动计算机,并且你耿耿于怀,直到它得到了方向。It opens every time you start your computer, and it nags you until it gets its way.

他对迈克尔始终耿耿于怀,他拿到了威斯勒的那本“鸟类书籍”,他知道这本书一定会指引着他找到迈克尔。He wants to go after Michael. T-Bag has the Bird Book and knows that it will lead him to Michael.

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他在英语比赛中输了,然而他总是耿耿于怀,想着如何把丢掉的奖牌夺过来。He failed in the English competition and he was wondering how he could win the prize from the winner.

有种战斗的气氛让你耿耿于怀,但你不必屈从于任何人的逼人意志。An air of combativeness may be present, but you don't have to succumb to anyone else's aggressive tendencies.

但我仍然对那只老母鸡耿耿于怀,我恨咬我的老母鸡,真是气人!But I still bear a grudge against Nazhi old mother hen, I hate biting my old mother hen, is really irritating!

你会发现老板或权威人物不断耿耿于怀,你的工作和努力是不够的。You could find that a boss or authority figure constantly nags that your work and efforts are not good enough.

眉毛与不平,拳头向他的脸,年轻的皇帝,世界之窗,深耿耿于怀,对他的帝国王位。With eyebrows furrowed, and fist to his face, the young emperor, Damion, darkly brooded on his imperial throne.

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两人商量好要去寻找丢弃明恩,令明恩一直耿耿于怀的父亲。Two people had discussed to want to search discard Ming En, make the father of Yu Huai of Ming Enyi straight be troubled.

无法,这时是不适宜冒昧打断他的,以免搅了他的雅兴,一晚上耿耿于怀睡不安稳,罪过就大了!No, this is not suitable for the liberty to interrupt him, so as not to stir his mood, sleep a night to heart, sin is big!

如果你对过去耿耿于怀,你会看不清当前的机会,从而失去未来美好前景。If you are brooding over the past, you’ll be blinded to present possibilities, and lose the advantage for future prospects.

这句话是我在芷晴面前说过的。没想到这家伙会一直耿耿于怀,不过看到它这样的反映不知怎么的很高兴。This sentence is in front of my Zhi Qing said. Didn't think this guy will always to heart, but saw it that reflect somehow happy.

尤文图斯的主教练仍旧对上赛季他的球队在都灵以2-3惜败给紫百合感到耿耿于怀,他正在期待着复仇。The coach is still annoyed with the 3-2 defeat he suffered at the hands of La Viola in Turin last season and he is looking for revenge.

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因车祸导致半身不遂的妻子韵华,对于当年惜秋的出现始终耿耿于怀,常借故与丈夫争吵。Traffic accident half-paralyzed wife rhyme China, in the autumn to cherish still always appear, often borrow past and her husband quarrel.

不过,偶尔的不注意一般就不值得耿耿于怀了,这样做只能困扰自己的心灵、能量和情绪。However, frustrations caused by occasional messes are usually not worth carrying around with you and cluttering up your mind, energy, and emotions.

今天是几个月以来我们第一次有机会在曼联之前作赛,这是一个显然地令阿历克斯.弗格森爵士耿耿于怀的事实。Today was the first time in several months in which we got the chance to play before Manchester United, a fact which clearly rankled Sir Alex Ferguson.