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这个白杨-M到底厉害在哪儿?The Topol-M in the end where the powerful?

道路两旁笔直的白杨排成行。Erect poplars lined both sides of the road.

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我总以为有个孩子把白杨“荡“弯了。I like to think some boy's been swinging them.

我总以为有个孩子把白杨“荡“弯了“I like to think some boy's been swinging them."

是的,而且我是三哩白杨岛的东方。Yeah, and I'm three miles east of Alamo Island.

新栽的白杨叶子又绿了。The newly planted poplars had turned green again.

白杨,榆木,胡桃,樟树,枞树,紫檀,竹子等。Poplar, elm, walnut, camphor, fir, rosewood, bamboo, etc.

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寄生树的宿主有苹果树、菩提树、枫树和白杨。It can be found on apple trees, lindens, maples and poplars.

而桑色素和白杨黄素的作用效果接近于DRB。Whereas morin and chrysin displayed a similar effect to DRB.

人们在苹果树、菩提树、枫树、白杨木上都可以找到槲寄生的影子。It can be found on apple trees, lindens, maples and poplars.

不折不挠,这就是我与白杨性相近的地方。Do not break do not scratch, this is my nature similar to the poplar.

这儿有密密的松树和参天的白杨,还有静静的溪流。There are exuberent pine trees, towering white poplars, and calm streams.

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好几个灌木林场都种上了白杨、柳树和赤杨。Several coppice plantations have been seeded with poplar willow and alder.

沙洲是一片沙土岗子,上面长满了白杨,密得象耙齿一般。A towhead is a sandbar that has cottonwoods on it as thick as harrow-teeth.

陈远的身边,也有一个一直痴恋他的姑娘肖白杨。Chen Yuan's side, there is also a girl Xiao Baiyang has been deeply in his.

穷人家里的孩子早当家,贫瘠地里的白杨寿命长。The poor child home early masters of the barren ground of poplar long life.

并且那些白杨木有那些金叶子在阿巴拉契亚足迹在秋天。And those aspens have those gold leaves in the Appalachian Trail in the fall.

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小林子静悄悄的,一点风也没有,连白杨的叶子也无精打采地垂下头来。So quiet the grove was, so still the air, that even the aspen leaves hung LIMP.

秃鹰和鱼鹰在砾石河岸边的棉白杨林中栖息下来。Bald eagles and ospreys roost in the old cottonwoods that line the gravel shores.

他谦虚、坦诚、热情,就像草原上的白杨,朴实无华。His modesty, frankness, enthusiasm are like the unpretentious alamo on grasslands.