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花好月圆得正果,美满姻缘一线牵。Flowers and fruit, a happy marriage on a string.

那是她孜孜以求的正果。It was her diligently strive after the attainment of.

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我们期待着这些年轻艺术家的正果与到家。We look forward to these young artists would bear fruit.

“峰幂恋”修成正果让很多观众都松了一口气。Many viewers were relieved that nothing bad happened to the love birds.

制药巨头纷纷如愿圈到了地盘,这是否意味着两大行业结束长跑,最终修成正果了呢?So will Big Pharma's land-grab succeed, heralding the long-awaited convergence of the two industries?

接着,新政的思想便修成正果被收进了大学的公众政治学课本里。In turn, the New Deal philosophy later found its permanent home in university schools of public policy.

米雪在采访时陷入危机,情急之下史密特现身帮忙,二人终于修得正果。M snow in an interview in crisis, the feeling be nasty under schmidt appeared to help, two people finally mend fruit.

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罗恩阿泰斯特在为湖人效力一个赛季之后终于“修成正果”,兴奋之余,捶胸顿足,撕心裂肺般的尖叫直到声嘶力竭。Ron Artest lost his voice, screaming at the top of his lungs while clutching what the Lakers had worked for all season.

有师生恋情结的粉丝们可能会希望这一对修成正果,但高中老师和学生恋爱的多半以老师开始铁窗生涯为结果。Fans may want these two together, but relationships between a high school teacher and a student almost always end with jail.

不过,如果修行者妄想以这些成果为目标的话,那麽最终,他也是修不成什麽正果的。These are attractable to others, but if a man of practice sets these as his goals, he won't gain any achievement in practice.

牵挂是五百年前修来的福分,在对你一点一滴没日没夜的思念里修成正果!Caring the blessing was built five hundred years ago, in every little bit for you day and night thoughts in the Promised Land!

事实上,要经过多年持续的闻、思、修、观想和禅坐,修行才能成就正果。It requires the maturity that only years of listening, contemplation, reflection, meditation, and sustained practice can ripen.

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两家球队都竭力取得胜利,曼联则在补时阶段修成正果。Both teams poured forward in the dying stages in a big to snatch victory, and United edged a thrilling encounter in injury-time.

连最为“精进”的封莉莉和李国栋,致死都没有“修成正果”实现“圆满”,只能落个含恨而死的结局。Even the most active Feng Lili and Li Guodong didn't reach nirvana and achieve "consummation" when they died with great regrets.

1993年我们终成正果,镣铐打开了,你能感到从那以后一切都不在相同。When we finally achieved it in 1993, the shackles were broken and you could sense that everything would be different after that.

长途恋爱谈了七年,没有修成正果,反而在商场里看到了男友和自己闺蜜喜笑颜开的走在一起。Long distance love to talk about seven years, not if, instead of in the mall to see her boyfriend and his close friend happy together.

若要把努力化为正果,你将耗费大量精力改变现状,并获得一位高管的全力支持。You’ll need a lot of energy to redirect the status quo, and total commitment from an executive sponsor if your efforts are to succeed.

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曾几何时,一直被称为“写手”的网络作家,终于能够修成正果了,我情不自禁为他们高兴。Before long, be called all the time " keep a hand " network writer, can repair Cheng Zhengguo eventually, I am them uncontrollably glad.

两个人应当理性地对待共同的期待和意愿,共同努力,这样这份感情就会修成正果。The two partners should be reasonable about their expectations and willing to cooperate so that this relationship can lead to a happy ending.

敌人处心积虑的惊天大阴谋接连破获,茅丁和同志们经过艰苦的努力最终获得了胜利,而他与黄钰的爱情也终于修成正果,喜结连理。The enemy deliberately plan great conspiracy cracked, Mao Ding and Comrades hard won, and he and Huang Yu love finally came to fruition, the knot.