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我可以借一床海滩草席吗?Can I borrow a beach mat?

一条草席当床铺用。A straw mat did duty for a bed.

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草席边沿翘起来了。The edge of the mat is cocked up.

准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席吗?Are sufficient dunnage and mats available?

是的,准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席。Yes, sufficient dunnage and mats available.

工棚铺草席当床,肥料包成枕头,上演一场“床戏”。Shed when bed, fertilizer laid mat pillow, wrapped staged a "bed scene".

这是因为在日本人房子的地板上覆盖着称为榻榻米的草席。This is because the floors are covered with straw mats which are called tatamis.

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当她只有四岁时,便为编制草席的父亲搜集青草。She began working when she was 4, collecting grasses that her father wove into mats.

录像显示嫌疑人将草席盖在车身上,然后点燃。Video footage showed the suspect used a straw mat on top of the car and lighted it up.

炎热的夏夜,在桌板上铺一张草席,就可安稳入睡。可惜看不见星星。In hot summer night, sleep on the table with a straw mat. However you cannot see the starry sky.

在工艺上不断创新的亚草席,成为今夏床上用品的主打。Of ceaseless on craft innovation inferior straw mat, become today summer of bedding advocate dozen.

草棚-覆盖有树皮或柴枝做的草席的构架棚子,由北美洲的游牧土著人建立。A frame hut covered with matting , as of bark or br ush, used by nomadic Native Americans of North America.

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跳虎园是古典的日本庭园,那里有瀑布可观赏以及麦草做的草席垫可坐,是参与日本茶道的好地方。With a waterfall to gaze at and straw mats to sit on, it's an ideal place to partake in the Japanese Tea Ceremony.

本机广泛适用于各类皮革、合成皮、帆布、竹席、草席等材质的曲折缝纫和装饰缝。It's suitable for the zigzag and decorating seaming of leather, synthetic leather canvas, bamboo and straw mats, etc.

本机广泛适用各类皮革、合成皮、帆布、竹席、草席等材质的曲折缝纫和装饰缝。It's suitable for zigzag or embroidery sewing on leather, synthetic leather, canvas, bamboo and straw mats and so on.

当你进屋子时不管怎样你必须把鞋脱掉,顾惜那些草席,你的鞋子会毁坏它们。When you come into this house though you've got to take your shoes off, see those straw mats, you can ruin 'em with shoes.

我无话可说。大约一个小时过去了。唐望只是一动也不动地躺在草席上,但是没有睡着。I could not say anything. Perhaps an hour went by. Don Juan was perfectly motionless on his mat although he was not sleeping.

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作为避难者之一,Yamaguchi先生住在某个高中的体育馆内一张9尺见方的草席上,和他一起的还有其他1000名避难者。Yamaguchi not an evacuee himself, living on a 9-by-9-foot grass mat in a junior high school gymnasium here with 1,000 other people.

人人都感到意外我不喝从被草席外衣所紧套住的大腹酒瓶里所倒出来的暗红色的酒。I surprised the company by refusing to drink the dark red beverage poured out of a fat-bellied bottle dressed in a tight fitting straw jacket.

应考时,他们要坐在著名的成均馆里的草席上,还要穿上传统的韩国服装。They took the "state examination" sitting on straw matting in the historical Sungkyunkwan building. They also had to wear traditional Korean costumes.