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它浸染在五彩缤纷的秋色里See it in the colors of autumn

秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。Autumn even wave, the wave Hanyan Cui.

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秋色将漫山遍野染得一片火红。The hills were inflamed with autumnal tints.

为这些火辣的秋色新妆铺定红地的毯吧!Roll out the red carpet for fall's hottest hues!

伦敦,圣杰姆斯公园母子俩在秋色中漫步。People walking in autumn park St James's in London.

香山红叶是北京最浓最浓的秋色。Hills are the most charming autumn scenery in Beijing.

回头向古陌岭上望去,哦,秋色更浓了。Look back to the ancient theology, oh, autumn on more thick.

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在我们的城市里,夏季上演得太长,秋色就不免出场得晚些。In our city , summer is too much long , so the autumn comes late.

轻云不动日微阴,高树无风秋色深。Qingyun not move at slightly overcast, no wind, high-Autumn trees deep.

花在风里飘,树在摇,秋色多美好。Flowers drifting in the wind, trees swinging, the Autumn scenery is so nice.

花在风里飘,树在摇,秋色多美好。Flowers drifting in the wind, trees swinging, the Autumn scenery was so nice.

位于北疆的喀纳斯是新疆最早见秋色的地方。Kanas, located in the northern Xinjiang, is where earliest to see the autumn.

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秋色叶树种是抱犊崮主要的秋季旅游资源。The autumn-leaf-coloring plant is major tourist resources of Baodu mountarun.

染上秋色的灌木傲然挺立在树正瀑布的流水中。Autumn-tinged brush stands unbowed as the waters of Shuzheng Falls spill past.

位于北疆的喀纳斯是新疆最早见秋色的地方。Kanas, located in the northern Xinjiang, is the first place to see the autumn.

他一度回头望望夹在变黄树篱中间的那条无穷无尽的秋色小径。He looked back once, up that endless vista of autumn lane between the yellowing hedges.

墙纸上的玫瑰图案已经泛黄,四壁皆然,好似满山秋色。The roses on the wallpaper had yellowed, and each wall held an autumnal mountain landscape.

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老谷仓,古雅的农舍,起伏的田野,背景则是尽染壮丽秋色的山坡。Old barns, quaint farmhouses, rolling fields, all framed by spectacular slopes of autumn color.

灰暗的秋色降临,我站在美国最后一片开着野花的草原当中。As an autumn gray settles, I stand in the middle of one of the last wildflower prairies in America.

如今,“纵湖秋色”又被列为“盐城新十景”之首。Today, the "vertical Lake in Autumn" has been classified as "new Yancheng Ten Scenes" the first place.