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克里巴里只是做了些理疗。Cribari only did physiotherapy treatments.

我建议你作理疗。I suggest that you get physiotherapy treatment.

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在这部分病例中,是可从性心理疗治中获益。In those cases, sexual therapy may be beneficial.

这是要交给教练和理疗家的工作。It's a job for the coach and the physiotherapists.

一些人甚至相信它们具有一定的特殊理疗功能。Some people even believe they have special healing powers.

治疗上主要是药物治疗和理疗。Treatment options range from medication to physical therapy.

这是一种天然润肤、天然理疗皮肤的方法。These are natural skin soothers, natural healers of the skin.

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医药,护理,理疗以及其它相关专业medicine, nursing, physiotherapy and other allied professions

克莉斯汀在她的理疗诊所见到过一些孩子。Kristin has met some of the children at her physiotherapy clinic.

瑜伽理疗是典型的一对一指导或者小组形式。Yoga therapy is typically conducted one-on-one or in small groups.

对照组给予一般康复治疗,如针灸、理疗。Cases of the control group were treated with ordinary rehabilitation.

从理疗学的观点看,热水洗脚是一种浸浴疗法。From the physical point of view, hot bath foot is an immersion therapy.

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腿骨折后她需要一个六个月的理疗疗程。She needed a six-month course of physiotherapy after she broke her leg.

无毒无副作用---健康科学的方法理疗胸部。Non-toxic no side effects --- Health Sciences chest physiotherapy methods.

而没有保险,她支付不起膝关节理疗的费用。And without insurance, she could no longer afford physical therapyfor her knee.

香樟华苹的特色理疗,主要通过水疗法来放松您的心情。Kayumanis signature treatment is a water flow technique which relaxing your mind.

他们来自生物力学,运动足部学,和理疗等不同领域。They come from the fields of biomechanics, sports podiatry, and physical therapy.

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乳腺检测、乳腺理疗、美胸健胸、子宫卵巢保养。Detection of breast, breast physical therapy, Breast, uterine ovarian maintenance.

理疗助理这类工作的学位最低要求是副学士。Physical Therapist Assistants This job requires a minimum of an Associate's degree.

通过加热的能量元素香薰理疗袋,能产生远红外线并能被人体高分子蛋白质所吸收。Absorbed by the human high polymer albumen through the third element that is heated.