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回头望,笑看往昔危亡。Look back, and smile at perils past.

楚国的危亡和百姓的痛苦,屈原痛不欲生。Chu people of peril and suffering, pain Yuan.

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挽救公司危亡时常见的另一个错误是将公司的困境归咎于外因。Blaming outside sources for your company's problems is another common turnaround pitfall.

敌人朝中没有了忠臣,它的国家就必定处于危亡的境地。When his court no longer has any loyal ministers, the state will inevitably be endangered.

为了挽救民族危亡,邹韬奋积极从事“唤起民众”以抗敌救国。Communist party of China is the only leading group to awaken the public to save the nation.

如果你与中国的贸易,或者想与中国贸易,他们低估了广西在你的危亡。If you trade with China, or would like to trade with China, underestimate Guanxi at your peril.

能挽救天下于危亡的,就能使得天下安宁。One who can save the populace from imperilment, is able to attain security and peace in populace.

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自1840年以来,民族危亡的问题就越来越不容回避地摆在每一个中国人面前。Since 1840, the nation from peril problems are not to be evaded placed in front of every Chinese.

国家处在内忧外患之中,如何救国家于危亡之中,不同的人提出了不尽相同的方法。Many people put forward different ideas about how to save the nation from the dangerous situation.

其创作鲜明体现了以“际危亡之世”的“大不幸”和“身处厄穷”的“小不幸”相结合的理论主张。His creation embodies the theory proposition that nation's adversity is connected with one's own doom.

哪些是你在通往成功路上学到的课程呢,哪些是你忽略的从而导致危亡的呢?What lessons have you learned that were key to your successes – and what have you ignored to your peril?

文章着重探讨在民族危亡时刻女学兴起缘由以及它所带来的女性主义思想启蒙。This paper tries to explore the reason for the rise of women education and the enlightenment of feminism.

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党群关系的和谐与否,群众基础是否牢固始终关系着党和国家的生死危亡。The harmony of the Party-masses relationship party can influence the life and death of country all the time.

即使面对民族和国家之危亡,成者亦非无力回天之个体。Even in the face of national and international adversity, a winner's self-image is not one of a powerless individual.

即使面对民族,国家之危亡,成者亦非无力回天之个体。Even in the face of national and international adversity, a winner’s self-image is not one of a powerless individual.

作为民众运动的一部分,学生运动常常成为民众运动的先导,唤醒国人在民族危亡之时奋起反日。As one part of the public, student movements always being the forerunner, awakening people to rouse for the blow of Japanese.

这种价值取向体现了民族危亡时期非主流批评家强烈的社会责任感。This kind of value orientation has manifested the national in peril time non-mainstream critic's intense society sense of responsibility.

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刘琨在国家危亡之际,激发了他为国解难、拯救黎民百姓的一腔热血。At a time when the country in peril, Liu Kun inspired problem-solving for the country to save the people of the First Action cavity blood.

首先,将学习西方物质文明与发展资本主义经济,挽救民族危亡,做了逻辑的联系。First, to save China from misery and demise was logically connected to learning the Western physical civilization and developing capitalist economy.

国家危亡,惊醒了一批有识之士,他们开始认真探索中国的出路,具有强烈政治改革意识的黄遵宪就是其中一位。Our national peril awakened a number of insights including Huang Zunxian who had a strong sense of political reform and started to explore the way out of China seriously.