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目的对金钱草全草进行了较系统的化学成分研究。OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of Lysimachia christinae.

金钱草对小鼠的细胞免疫和体液免疫均有抑制作用。In this paper, the immunosuppressive effects of Lysimachia christinae Hance were reported.

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方法对处方中的广金钱草进行了薄层鉴别。METHODS Thin layer chromatography was used for identification of Herba Desmodii Styracifolii.

而且,随着复方金钱草浓度的增加,一水草酸钙。Furthermore, with increasing concentration of complex herba lysmachiae, the growth inhibition index of calcium oxala.

在同等剂量下,两种金钱草的抗炎作用近似或川草略优。According to our experiment, with the same dosage these actions appear almost the same or L. christinae slightly better.

据文献报道金钱草中总黄酮具有促进胆汁分泌和排泄,利尿排石等作用。It is reported that the total flavonoids in this plant could promote biliation, egestion, urinate and remove urinary calculus.

本文报告了四川大金钱草和广金铁草具有显著的抗炎作用。In this paper, Lysimachia christinae and Desmodium styracifolium are both reported to have significant anti-inflammatory actions.

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目的优选并确立金钱草总黄酮的最佳超声提取条件。Objective To winnow and establish the optimal condition for ultrasonic extraction of total flavone from christina loosestrife herb.

实验还证明两种金钱草的总黄酮及酚酸物为抗炎有效部位。Our experiment has also shown that the active part of anti-inflammation in L. christinae lies in the mixture of flavonoids and phenolic acids.

金钱草是治疗肝胆结石、尿路结石的要药,临床应用非常广泛。"Christina Loosestrife Herb" is an important Chinese medicine for the treatment of liver and gall calculi as well as urethra calculi. It has a wide clinic application.

目前,金钱草的提取多采用水煎煮的传统方法,制剂单次服用量大,因此对其提取工艺的优化是非常必要的。Now, the main extract method is traditional decoction with water. But the preparation that made by this extract method single dosis is too much, so optimize extract technology is necessary.