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我能闻到美味的面汤的味道。I can smell some nice noodle soup.

你午餐要一些面汤吗?Do you want some noodle soup for lunch?

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你喜欢杂脍,还是鸡肉面汤?Would you like chowder or chicken noodle?

我们是面条世家。面汤在我们血液里流淌!We are noodle folk. Broths run through our veins!

“老板,来两碗面汤”我迫不及待的提出申请。"Bosses to" I can not wait to submit applications.

我们是做面条的,我们血液里流淌着面汤。We are Noodle folk, Broth runs deep through our veins.

我们都是做面条的,我们血液里流淌着面汤。We are noddle folk, Broth runs deep through our veins.

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鸡肉面汤特别麻烦,他说。Chicken noodle soup has been especially vexing, he said.

在我之前的评论中,曾说它的面汤就是“一场噩梦”。In the original review, I comment that the broth was 'nightmarish.

我们是面条家族,血管中流着面汤。We are Noodle people. Broth escapes scampers deep through our veins.

用3大勺香蒜和意大利面条与一号肉汤熬成面汤。Italian Stir 3 Tbsp pesto and 1 c cooked pasta into the finished soup.

面汤香味浓郁,稍微有点儿滑腻,这样刚刚好。The broth has a decent richness and slight oiliness which is just right.

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本文介绍了香辣牛肉方便面汤料包、酱包的制作工艺。The technics of producing powder and sauce for spicy beef instant noodle is introduced.

那些可以让她更有创造力,而且还可以以拉面汤的价格吃更多的东西。They could help her get more creative and eat more than the standard fare of Ramen soup.

多智听了这话大吃一惊把嘴里的面汤全喷到了对面的东株身上。Much wisdom heard that shocked the whole gush to mouth noodle soup opposite east strains body.

如用较稀的米汤、面汤直接清洗,或用乌鱼骨清洗,效果也不错。If using a more dilute rice soup, soup directly cleaning, or mullet bones clean, with good results.

得了吧,你们真的该尝尝我爸爸的秘方面汤。事实上只有他知道秘方。Now, come on. You should try my dad's secret ingredient soup. He actually knows the secret ingredient.

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面汤台的南面,有一口新式玻璃面衣橱,也是红木质的。The southern side of the noodles soup set, have a modern style glass noodles wardrobe, also red and woody.

2008年的大屏幕上,血液里都流淌着面汤的熊猫阿宝,不理会鸭子父亲的良苦用心,好吃懒做。On the big screen in 2008, blood is flowing soup Panda Bao, ignoring his father's care and thought ducks, lazy.

意大利做法经常建议人们加入面汤调整调料的浓度,但是这种浓汁几乎本身就是一种调料。Italian recipes often suggest adding pasta water to adjust the consistency of a sauce, but this thick water is almost a sauce in itself.