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也许那个警员是对的。Perhaps the constable was right.

让交通警员戴上黑色的棉手袜。Let traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

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洪国荣通知艾莉是本人叫的警员。HongGuoRong notice is that I call police ellicott.

男女警员在警察局工作。Policemen and policewomen work at a police station.

露西推倒了金姆,警员拉开打架的各方。Lucy pushes Kim, and the officer breaks up the tussle.

警员搜寻了在立功现场的每一团体。Police searched everyone present at the scene of crime.

城里也有被派来维持治安的基层警员。There were also constables appointed to keep the peace.

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我是何警员。现在我在检查这条街上所有的店铺。I'm P. C. Ho. I'm checking all the shops in this street.

两名警官和一名警员参与到了当时的情况中。Two police constables and an inspector attended the scene.

一个星期后,两名警员来"拜访"百万富翁。" A week laters two policemen came to "visit" the millionaire.

Lincoln痛苦地跪倒在地,警员铐住了他。Lincoln painfully drops to his knees and the police restrain him.

在冷心非主流时尚网中国,警员的缺乏一直都是长期存在的问题。Alack of police personnel has been a long-standing issue in China.

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日资商店外明显有警员驻守。There was an obvious police presence outside the Japanese businesses.

这名男子是爱戴尔郡警局的卧底警员。The man was an undercover deputy from Iredell County Sheriff's Office.

警员们都穿着制服,包括防弹背心,Troyer说。The officers were in uniform, including bulletproof vests, Troyer said.

在值班的警员试着把人群散去,于是他使用了扬声器。The police on duty tried to shoo away the crowd by using a loud-speaker.

当在场的地方检查官开始踱步时,警员们锯开了底板的第一道金属层。As the district attorney paced, the men cut through the first layer of metal.

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消费者永远都不用担心某个高级警员会窥探他们的数据。Consumers should never worry some junior police officer is snooping their data.

一名利物浦的警员在试用部队的新遥控无人机。A police constable in Liverpool tries out the force's new remote-controlled UAV.

前俄亥俄州警员小博比·卡兹的家人希望他能免于一死。Relatives of a former Ohio police officer are hoping to save him from death row.