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请在诊室外候诊。Please wait outside consulting room.

一个男人走进一间诊室,里面挤满了人。A man walked into a crowded doctor's office.

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家庭医生,内科医师,儿科医生诊室Offices of family physicians, internists, and pediatricians

突然房门开了,萨沙·斯米尔诺夫冲进诊室里来。All at once the door opened and Sasha Smirnov flew into the room.

又怎么会在曼内特医生诊室的沙发上和衣而卧睡着了呢?How came he to have fallen asleep, in his clothes, on the sofa in Dr.

大约每隔半个小时,我就需要自由地打开临时诊室的门向某个医生报告。Every half hour or so, I would freely open doors and check in with them.

下面就是IBM对”在线放射影像诊室“的一个简单描述This is how IBM described how the new online radiology theatre will work

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整个诊室的喧嚣霎时间远了,大地裂开口子,他直接坠入地心。The office of the moment, the earth is split into earth cut him directly.

医生还没有说完,史密斯先生就缩了回去,飞一般地离开了诊室。Before the doctor finished his sentence, Mr. Smith shrank back and fled the office.

它的工作原理是将口腔诊室内的声音转化为数字信号。It works by turning the sounds of the dental consulting room into a digital signal.

自学成才的牙医奥利里奥·艾斯科瓦惯于早起,六点钟就就把诊室的门开了。Aurelio Escovar, a dentist without a degree, and a very early riser, opened his office at six.

医生很不安,把史密斯先生所说的话告诉了等候在侯诊室里的史密斯太太。Concerned, the doctor finds Mrs. Smith in the waiting room and tells her what her husband said.

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一人一医一诊室的人性化治疗安排,更好的保护患者隐私。A person of medical consulting room user-friendly treatment arrangement, better protection patient privacy.

近日,一位来自外地的患者推开了哈医大二院心理门诊张文艺医生的诊室门。Recently, in an open field from the mental hospital out-patient Hayi Da two Dr. Zhang Wenyi the door Clinic.

另外,因为检查是在医生的诊室里进行的,所以保密也不存在问题。In addition, because the screening takesplace in a doctor's office, there is no question about confidentiality.

贴满橡木饰面板的圆形墙是诊所的核心,衔接着三间诊室和候诊区域。Rounded wall with oak veneer is the central motif and links the space of three treatment rooms and waiting area.

还有,在许多州的医生诊室里,较大的青少年接受检查不需要通过父母同意。And inmany states, there is no need for parental consent with older teenagers forscreening in a physician's office.

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1998年我创办了语言康复训练中心,后来随着业务量的增加,诊所规模逐步扩大,增设了3个诊室,雇有13名员工。I started my speech pathology practice in 1998 and gradually grew the business to 13 employees in three different offices.

方法以需氧菌为空气中细菌含量观察指标,采用沉降法收集诊室的空气样本。Methods Aerobe was counted as observation index of air contamination and air sample was collected by the method of sedimentation.

我昨天带他去菲利普的诊室里去检查身体。当莫莉给他注射的时候,他脸上的那表情,可惜你没看见。I took him to Philip's office yesterday for a checkup. You should have seen the look on his face when Molly gave him the injection.