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心动描记器上标明心跳次数。A cardiograph records the heartbeat.

这首打油诗没有标明作者是谁。The doggerel doesn't filiate itself.

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货箱上标明“小心轻放”。The crate is marked “Handle with care”.

标明了那块田地的周界。A fence marked the perimeter of the field.

一道篱笆标明了那块田地的周界。A fence marked the perimeter of the field.

小风把本人喜欢阿一的心情向大业标明。Small wind I like oa mood to cause marked.

发盘必须标明有效期。The offer must state the term of validity.

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我已经在纸样上标明的一些线路。I've marked some lines on the paper pattern.

在这幅地图上北京是用一颗红星标明的。Beijing is indicated on the map by a red star.

在美国,转基因食品毋须用签条标明。GMO foods do not have to be labeled in America.

参考资料可以在注脚或文章末端标明。References may be either footnoted or endnoted.

新校的校址已经立桩标明。The site for the new school has been staked out.

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他在书中插入纸页,以标明他读到的地方。He inserted a slip marking his place in the book.

一排排简单的白色墓石标明了墓地的位置。Lines of simple white headstones mark the graves.

有些语录标明作者何人,而有些则查无此人。Some quotations seek an author, others lose them.

这些货都标明了价格。The prices of these goods are all marked on them.

注意,命令帮助区域用红色圆圈标明。Notice the Command Assistance area circled in red.

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展出的古代文物都标明了年代。The antiques on display are all marked with dates.

必须标明所有设备和储存区。All equipment and storage areas must be identified.

在供给站管线接头处用颜色标明各管线。Colour code all the connection at the loading station.