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因为她不够心狠手辣。Because she lacks the killer instinct.

我会不折手段,变成一个心狠手辣的女人。I'll not fold means, bee a ruthless woman.

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他办事变得同他祖父一样心狠手辣。He developed into the ruthless operator his grandfather had been.

心狠手辣,他却对女人有致命的吸引力!Cruel and merciless, he actually has the fatal attraction to the woman!

教师工会对付改革者是出了名的心狠手辣。The teachers’ unions have an impressive record of terminating reformers.

我很乐意看到电影中的反派是一个心狠手辣的女人,越坏越好。I just love it when the bad guy is a kick-ass woman—the more wicked, the better.

以色列害怕并且假定伊朗会像他们一样心狠手辣。The Israelis fear that Iran will be as ruthless as they have been, and assume this.

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谁要是走漏半点风声,可别怪我心狠手辣!Who whether leak out the least bit information, don't reprehend me a cruel hand hot!

他是一个心狠手辣、一切向钱看的商人。He's totally money-oriented, a thorough businessman who can be very ruthless and tough.

因此,从他早期的心路历程我们大概可以追寻到黑魔王心狠手辣现状的真实起源。It is in upbringing that the true origins of the malevolence of the Dark Lord may be traced.

千万不能像历险记里的那个心狠手辣的坏蛋卓伊一样,他坏事做尽,人见人恨。Don't like the adventures of the ruthless villains, and his quest do bad, people see people hate.

金刚的父亲黑牛,是心狠手辣的黑道大哥,他会放过水仙与牡丹这对双胞胎姊妹吗?Black cattle, the father of king kong, is terminating underworld eldest brother, he will pass the daffodils with peony the twin sisters?

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当然因为闹事,警局要罚款,对下人心狠手辣的卢笑庵要赶走他,更激发了朱彪内心的怒火。Because riot police will fine, of course, the inferior terminating Lou smile temples to get rid of him, the more inspired Zhu Biao inner rage.

我们以为自己很文明,但实际上,这是一个残酷的世界,人人心狠手辣,表面上对你非常友善,暗地里却恨不得杀了你。We think we're civilized. In truth, it's a cruel world and people are ruthless. They act nice to your face, but underneath they're out to kill you.

当那些人的面具悄悄滑落,透过他们的双眼,你便可以看穿他们的内心和他们心狠手辣的城府。And then there are those who let their masks slip. If you look into their eyes, you'll see who they really are, and exactly what they are capable of.

受到伤害的采青告诉润雪,清羽是个笑里藏刀心狠手辣的人,说自己变成现在这样全是他害的。Hurt green tell embellish snow, clear plume is an extremely cruel and merciless people say they hide a dagger behind a smile, be now that all of his victims.

此人外表斯文洒脱,内心却怪戾暴烈、心狠手辣、诡计多端,专干大宗毒品买卖。This person appearance is gentle and free and easy, the heart blames crime however violent, cruel and evil, crafty, do a large amount of narcotics business only.

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心狠手辣是这伙儿歹徒的一贯特点,我们一定要尽快破案,减少受害者的数量。Extreme cruelty and lack of mercy have always been these gangsters' characteristics. We must crack the case as soon as possible so as to reduce the number of sufferers.

祥明顺着路子的话说道,正是因为他们虚伪、贪婪又心狠手辣,能够一派从容的说谎,才成功的成长为适应社会的成年人。Sangmyung along the way you said, it is because of their hypocrisy, greed and terminating, can those leisurely lie, only success in order to adapt to the growth of social adult.

这些权力允许傲罗绕过通常的审判渠道而杀死或是逮捕敌方巫师,而且在过程中使用几乎和他们对抗的黑巫师一样心狠手辣的方法。These powers allowed the Aurors to bypass the normal channels of justice and kill or capture enemy wizards using means nearly as vicious as those used by the Dark Wizards they fought.