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呵,好一个神甫!Oh, what a fine priest!

于是我们抄起枪,朝神甫家走了过去。So we took our guns and went over.

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他是一个神甫,一个贤达之士,也是一个大丈夫。He was a priest, a sage, and a man.

神甫快走了。The priest will take his departure.

他们在桑德豪斯神甫的主持下结了婚。They were united by Father Sandhaus.

他死前向神甫作了忏悔。He confessed to the priest before he died.

主持弥撒的神甫在祭坛上穿上祭袍。The celebrant vested himself in the sanctuary.

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那年老的理财神甫两手相握,大声说道The old warden clasped his hands and exclaimed

“我们是自由独立的,”布莱克松对神甫说道。"We're free, " Blackthorne said to the priest.

神甫问道。信了吧,我知道我在说些什么。Asked the abbé. Depend upon it, I know what I say.

所有的神甫全一样,又贪又吝。These priests are all thus, greedy and avaricious.

他再也没有向波特神甫作过告解。He never went to Father Porter for confession again.

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在这一点上,神甫和哲学家的见解是一致的。On this point, the priest and the philosopher agree.

修女是宫嫔,神甫是太监。The nun was the odalisque, the priest was the eunuch.

神甫又怨毒地接着说道,“你是知道这些事实的。" Then he added with venom, "You know it's the truth.

毫无疑问,这位理财神甫是起了决定性作用的。The churchwarden had certainly played a decisive part.

神甫和两个唱诗童子等在门前。The priest was waiting just outside the mortuary door.

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到狱中布道的神甫们也证明他在宗教方面的一些好习惯。The chaplains bore good testimony as to his religious habits.

“愿上帝保佑,让你受地狱之火的永恒煎熬,”神甫快被气疯了。"May God burn you in hellfire for all eternity, " the priest flared.

神甫就势倒在爱德蒙的床上休息,而爱德蒙仍然站着。The abbé sank upon Edmond's bed. while Edmond himself remained standing.