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我们欢迎批评。We welcomed criticism.

他的批评击中了要害。His criticism hit home.

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我愿意接受批评。I am open to criticism.

他每次都批评我。He always criticizes me.

沃尔克也批评了美联储。He also critiqued the Fed.

她的批评切中要害。Her criticism struck home.

她受不得批评。She can't stand criticism.

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不要攻击批评者,要从善如流。Don't attack the messenger.

他降低了批评的调子。He toned down his criticism.

我严肃地批评了他!I animadversion seriously he!

我被老师批评了。I was critized by my teacher.

我们批评了他的错误思想。We criticized his wrong idea.

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我算老几,哪有资格去批评人?。Who am I to criticize others?

那批评的话是指我说的吗?Does that remark refer to me ?

我已经习惯于受批评乐了。I am used to being criticized.

法官猛烈抨击他的批评者。The judge blasted his critics.

批评的声音也许还真是刺耳。This criticism may seem harsh.

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这是一篇不加批评的文章。This is an uncritical article.

特意的批评或虐待?Mean criticism or mistreatment?

吹毛求疵者会批评任何事。A carper will cavil at anything.