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病员的数量正以惊人的速度增加。The number of the sick was increasing with appalling rapidity.

门诊部普通门诊病员,应先挂号后诊病。Average outpatient service, should the clinic after register first ask.

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该雾粒通过面罩或吸入器送至病员。The fog particles are sent to patients through a faceshield or an inhaler.

同样,机器能够检查病员的病因,并使之反应出最新情况。Similarly machines could be used to keep a check on a patient's health record and bring it up to date.

当检测到病员呼叫时,控制器指示灯常亮并发出报警声。Receiving the triggered signal of hospital calling main unit and send out sound and light alarm signal.

当检测到病员呼叫时,控制器指示灯常亮并发出报警声。Controller's indicator is normal on and send out alarm signal when detecting patient on sickbed calling.

病员们都笑那个护理员在叫一个死人醒过来。But the man was already dead and the patients were laughing to see the orderly trying to wake a dead man.

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同样,机器能够检查病员的病因,并使之反应出最新情况。Similarly, machines could also be used to keep a check on a patient's health record and bring it up to date.

目的评估首问负责制的效果,为病员提供满意的服务。ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of initial consultation system in order to provide satisfactory service for patients.

白求恩大夫发现大多数病员患有严重的皮疹,他查出这是由于消毒不好造成的。Dr. Bethune found most of the patients suffering from terrible skin eruptions which he traced to inadequate disinfection.

帕德美正半躺在一张床上,她的病员服被推到胃部以上,毛毯则被推倒将近腰部以下。Padmé was sitting part way up in a bed, her healers gown pushed up past her belly and the blankets pushed nearly past her waist.

肿瘤迅速生长破坏而产生的毒性物质,可使病员在肿瘤晚期发生“恶病质”。Tumor is mushroom the noxiousness material that destroy and produces, can make patient is in tumor is terminal happen " cachexia ".

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方法对28例手术或临床证实的机械性肠梗阻病员的螺旋CT表现进行分析。Methods The spiral CT manifestations of 28 cases with intestinal mechanical obstruction proved by operation or clinically were analyzed.

比如一个医院为了报帐,或为了医生汇报工作应该记录病员透视的人数。A hospital, for example, will record the number of patients using the X-ray facilities both for billing purposes and for doctor's reports.

病员舱准备就绪,长官。但格兰特少校不在,她还没来报道。目前去向不明。Sick bay standing by, sir, but Lieutenant Commander Grant isn't there and hasn't reported in yet. Her whereabouts are unknown at this time.

此装置的使用,减少医务人员与病员的交叉感染。简便易行,使用及携带便利,快捷,卫生,便于推广使用。The use of this device, medical personnel and patients to reduce the cross-infection. Easy, convenient use and carrying, fast, health, ease of use.

“院前急救”对于突发疾病或者遭遇意外创伤的病员来说,至关重要,甚至关系到病员的生命能否延续。"Pre-hospital emergency treatment" for an accident or sudden illness of the patient trauma is essential, or even related to patient's life can continue.

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结果在产科中实行人性化护理,有效地提高了产科护理质量,增加了病员的信任度和满意度。Results The use of humanization nursing in obstetrics, to has effectively improved the quality of obstetric care and to increase the patient's trust and satisfaction.

外伤引起的颞颌关节滑膜炎在颞颌关节紊乱的病员中广泛存在,即是原发性退行性关节病。TMJ synovitis from injury commonly existed among the patients with disturbances syndrome of TMJ and was thought to be the equivalent of original degenerative arthrosis.

作者应用鼻咽内窥镜、电视摄录影系统、计算机等,对103例腭裂术后病员进行了腭咽闭合功能的定性和定量分析。This paper describes the study and quantitative analysis of velopharyngeal function in 103 patients with operated cleft palate using NPF, vedio-camera system and computer.