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北街小学施工现场的张贴板报。A poster at the Beijie School construction site.

这就是我们班的板报设计,希望大家喜欢。That's our Bulletin Board, and I hope you like it.

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在张旗毕马威苗圃希望小学斑房里的板报。These were classroom decorations at KPMG Zhangqi Hope School.

我以为,被选上板报编辑是一种信用。I think it an honour to be selected simply because editor of the wexcellentspaper.

也是第一次我同伙伴一起制作了板报。制作过程是令人愉快的。Also for the first time, I made a poster with my partner, which I enjoyed very much.

高中时,所有的班级板报都是她设计并参与绘制的。She is good at drawing and is the producer and painter of every poster in high school.

英语板报的评比营造了学习英语的浓浓氛围。The competition of English newsletter constructs strong atmosphere of learning English.

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如果他们真的那么关心这些燔祭修正主义者的历史,为什么不在学校板报上号召一下呢?If they cared about revisionist history so much, why not mount a campaign to school boards?

过去几周同学们都在忙着为教室设计新的板报。Over the past few weeks the students have been working on creating a new billboard design for our classroom.

蒙哥马利的教育工作者一直维护自己的课程,这些已在学校的板报中采用。Educators in Montgomery have been defending their curriculum, which has already been approved by its school board.

可以看看外面的风景,看看报纸,还可以从板报上获得铁路交通知识。Can look at the scenery outside, look at the newspapers, can also gain from the distinctively rail traffic knowledge.

校园里的风声,吹黄了足球场四周的墙,被洗过的板报都有细细的裂纹。In the campus rumor, blew yellow soccer field wall all around, has washed the blackboard newspaper is had the careful crack.

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今天早上把国庆板报的材料给时雨了。真怀念以前上小学的时候。I cherished memory of my time in the primary school when I sent the blackboard newspaper to Shiyu this morning. So happy it was!

他们的照片还将被挂在设于教学楼一楼楼道中的“学生之星”板报上。Their picture will also be placed on the 'student of the week' board which I will have set up in the hallway of the first floor.

她帮助尹博婷同学办学校的板报,在两位同学的努力下,学校板报现在非常出色。She helped Betina to decorate school boards so nicely. These two students worked very hard. Thanks to them, all the boards look great now.

抱怨趋势数据应该贴在每个部门宣传板报里,附带有与该部门相关的抱怨细节。Trend data should be posted on every departmental bulletin board, along with the details of relevant complaints involving that department.

读宣传单和听课堂讲座者明显高于看宣传板报和听校园广播者。The numbers of students that read leaflets and listened to the lectures higher than that read propaganda board and listened to campus radio.

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你知道吗,“卡通”这个词来源意大利文,指的是真正的板报画起源之前预先画的草稿?Do you know that the word "cartoon" came from Italian, referring to the picture drawn in preparation before an actual drawing on the wall was started?

我在校期间担任协会副会长,组织过学生讲座,负责联系老师,邀请嘉宾,通知学生,协助出板报。During my college as vice President of association, organization, responsible for the student lectures, invited guest contact the teacher, student, assist the notice boards.