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这也是母爱的一部分。That's part of love too.

我不知我为何而迷惑,但这种迷惑的感情使我顷刻明白了母爱的伟大,还有人类高尚的悲悯情怀。I do not know why I am puzzled.

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我感觉到,幸福的母爱。I felt well-being of mother love.

我感受到了,母爱的幸福。I felt, well-being of mother love.

父母爱,似空气紧紧将我包裹。Parents' love, like air tightly to my parcel.

我亲爱的朋友,母爱是最伟大的爱。My mothers, mother s love is the greatest love.

哦,嘢!我知道母爱是不拘泥什么形式的。真美妙!Oh, yes! I know mother-love in any form. Very nice.

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他是怀着一种母爱想着他们。He speaks of them as a mother would of her children.

我能给你母爱,但不能强迫你接受母爱。I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you.

母爱是一种巨大的火焰。——罗曼。罗兰。Maternal love is a huge flame. Roman roman. Rowland.

但是这些是现代母爱的不可或缺的一部分。But it remains part and parcel of modern mother love.

哦,母爱难言,母爱难言!Oh, mother love unspeakable, maternal love unspeakable!

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对于西摩来说,这是一个讲述母爱的传奇故事。For Seymour, the saga of motherly love was anything but.

是水的味道还是母爱的味道呢?The taste of water or the motherly love the taste of it?

母爱就像一只无形的巨手,支撑着我们。Motherly love is like a giant invisible hand, support us.

母爱深似海,父爱重如山。Deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain.

她所做的一切正是展现母爱力量最真实的例子了。Hers is a true example of the strength of a mother's love.

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现在,仍然秉持着“童心母爱”继续为孩子们服务。Now, she is still continued to service for the children well.

这个母亲节,让我们在感恩母爱的同时,试一试不含乳类成分的饮品吧。So honor all Moms this Mother’s Day and try some non-dairy milk.

至今,当地人民还保留着敬母爱母的古风。Up to now, the local people still respect mother love of antiquity.