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可我讨厌八卦新闻。But I hate to tabloid news.

我们先去八卦山。We went to Bagua Mountain first.

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我什么时候也变成了一个如此八卦的人呢。When had I become such a voyeur?

柔依是我们办公室的八卦女王。Zoe is our office's gossip queen.

你们两个女人然后八卦。You two hens finish your clucking.

办公室里的八卦你会参加吗?Do you take part in office gossip?

只有笨蛋才会相信八卦新闻。Only stupid people would believe gossip.

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消息会不胫而走,特别是八卦新闻。News travels fast, especially juicy news.

狗仔队总是追踪报道热门的八卦新闻。Paparazzo's are always chasing hot gossip.

一夜之间,她的八卦弄得满城风雨。Overnight, she became the talk of the town.

现在我将给大家一个特八卦的故事。Now I want to present a gossip to everybody.

狗仔队们总是渴望能得到热门的八卦新闻。Paparazzo's are always hungry for hot gossip.

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八卦城是什么时候修建的?When was this eight-Trigram-style town built?

最近看到过一篇八卦的博客,蛮有意思的。I saw a gossip blog recently, quite interesting.

台湾的媒体总是喜欢报导八卦新闻。The Taiwanese media always likes to report gossip.

在线八卦即使是信口胡言,也会给人带来很大的伤害。Online gossip can be damaging even if provably false.

整球涂太极八卦阴阳鱼图案,光洁如镜,如脂似玉。The whole ball with tai chi Yin and Yang fish design.

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你可以从她那里打听到最新的名人八卦新闻。You can find the latest celebrity gossip news from her.

赫拉斯和蛇发女怪三姐妹在可怕的万圣节前夕聊八卦。Horace and the Gorgons gossip on the horrible Halloween.

如何做是堆栈溢出八卦,但是。How to do that is off-topic for Stack Overflow, however.