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合抱之树,生于毫末。Great oaks from little acorns grow.

庭罗合抱树,门泊钓鱼船。Latina encircle the tree, the door parked fishing boat.

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这颗古树非常的高大,三个成年人都无法合抱。This old tree is so big that even three men can't hold it together.

在成片的红松林中,有很多四、五个人才能合抱的苍天古松。There are many ancient trees which can be hold by 4 or 5 persons together.

这是给我公司一个很好的20分钟,在她合抱双臂,交叉双腿开始放松自己之前。It is a good 20 minutes in my company before her folded arms and crossed legs begin to unwind themselves.

村庄旁边就有一株需要3个人才能合抱的古枫树。I still remember that big old tree growing at the gate of my village, which takes three people to embrace.

注意不要合抱双臂、姿势懒散、不知道双手该放在哪里好,要面带微笑并做眼神交流。Watch for folded arms and slouched posture, and for fidgeting with your hands. Smile and make eye contact.

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雌、雄成虫结伴合抱,交配产卵,每条雌虫每天可产卵二三千个。Male and female adult Hebao together, spawning mating, each female can lay eggs every day Ersan Qian months.

在这里,这三个门徒整理了那被损伤的四肢,将受伤的双手合抱在无脉的胸膛上。There the three disciples straightened the mangled limbs, and folded the bruised hands upon the pulseless breast.

我和小伙伴要几个人合抱才能把它围住,那梨树真老啊,很多树干都已经空了。I and small partners can to a few people around it, and that really old pear ah, a lot of tree trunks have been empty.

地坝边临时垒起的灶台上,架着一口两人才能合抱的大锅,稻草燃起的熊熊大火,舔着锅沿。While temporary dam built on the hearth, wearing a mouth two people can seem cauldron, straw burning flames, licking the pot along.

雌雄合抱作为血吸虫发育过程中的一种特殊生物学现象,对血吸虫个体的发育成熟,特别是生殖功能的完善有着非常重要的意义。Male-female worm pairing of schistosome, one special biological phenomenon of the life cycle, is of vital significance to its reproductive function.

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我站在胡主席阅兵时的位置上拍照留念,里面还有两根擎天大柱,大柱特别粗,需要三个人合抱。I'm standing in the position of President hu jintao on the parade took photos there are also two giant big column large post special thick folded need to three people.

我站在胡主席阅兵时的位置上拍照留念,里面还有两根擎天大柱,大柱特别粗,需要三个人合抱。I'm standing in the position of President hu jintao on the parade took photos, there are also two giant big column, large post special thick, folded need to three people.

窗外的花园是那株漂亮的大树的天堂,每隔一天我都会深深地拥抱它,虽然它的枝干粗得我合抱也只能仅仅抱住它的四分之一。The garden outside my window is home to an enormous and beautiful tree. I gave it a hug the other day, but the trunk is so huge I could barely get my arms round a quarter of its girth.

也许,你正在天国的花园里漫步,俏丽的素馨、百合、夹竹桃争鲜斗妍,缤纷的落英飘洒在你合抱的双臂中,落在你热情洋溢的心上。Or, perhaps, your path was through the garden of the gods, where the merry multitude of jasmine, lilies, and oleanders fell into your arms in heaps, and entering your heart became boisterous.