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大学的研究所才是初步研究学问的所在,在这里做学问也只能算是粗涉藩篱,注重的是研究学问的方法与实习。What has been being stressed is the method to do research and practice.

曾经在夏令用作藩篱的茂郁松树现在却够我拖的了。An old forest fence which had seen its best days was a great haul for me.

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裸体拆除了两性之间的藩篱,你不会有任何基于服装上成见。It breaks down barriers – you don’t have any preconceptions based on clothes.

因此,历史告诉我们藩篱可以被拆除,但我们仍然任重而道远。So history reminds us that walls can be torn down. But the task is never easy.

当前作文教学摆脱不了形式主义教学的藩篱。Currently, composition teaching can't get rid of the hedge of modality teaching.

即便在制度藩篱被取缔的今天,也很少有黑人学生能够从这种制度下挣脱出来,升上大学。Even when barriers fell, few blacks came out of that system ready for university.

他以心性学说作为判断是非的标准,破除儒家思想的藩篱,开一代子学复兴之先河。His theory broke down the barrier of Confucianism and revived other schools of thoughts.

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雷吉娜是一个生存英雄,因为她幸免于当前的性别藩篱而且克服了这些困难。Regina was a survival hero because she survived current gender barriers and overcame them.

此外,广阔的行星际空间,并非如过去认为是看似无法跨越的藩篱。Moreover, the expanses of interplanetary space are not the forbidding barrier they once seemed.

学习音乐的学生常常可以通过音乐之美来超越语言、阶级、文化以及政治的藩篱与他人共享人文之趣。Music crosses language, class, cultural, and political boundaries to share humanity through its beauty.

“宽恕拯救灵魂”是曼德拉信奉的箴言,加上他能深刻领会到体育可以超越种族主义藩篱的巨大力量。“Forgiveness heals the soul” is his mantra. Plus he understands how powerfully sports can override racism.

货币汇率只是一种——而且是最容易采用的——阻止美国出口商向中国出口的藩篱。The currency exchange rate is only one—and perhaps the easiest to address—barrier to U.S. exports to China.

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但是,由于脱离不了教育救国论的藩篱,平民教育社最终走向衰落。However, Populace Education League eventually declined due to its narrow view of Education Saving the Nation.

但要让我们的公司在竞争中胜出,我们还必须打碎那些挡在他们成功之路上的藩篱。But to help our companies compete, we also have to knock down barriers that stand in the way of their success.

而问题的关键是,一旦我们说出来,我们就已经跨出了“自我导航”式心理的藩篱,并拥有了改弦更张的选择权。The key here is that once we name it, we’ve stepped outside of the auto-pilot and now have a choice to redirect.

但确定和利用两种或多种类别的公共概念能够在某种程度上打破相互之间的藩篱。But identifying and exploiting concepts common to two or more categories can smooth over the boundaries to some extent.

不过,除了眼下严峻的政策挑战之外,他还面临着塑造政策程序方面的藩篱。But in addition to the formidable policy challenges ahead of him, Donilon faces obstacles in shaping the policy process.

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这个小组并没有脱离华府日常政治藩篱,缺乏远见---奥巴马称这种政治是”小政治“---不值得一提。A team that could envision nothing more than the ordinary politics of Washington--the kind of politics Obama had called "small."

来源、种类、形式、材料、职业和创作媒介,甚至是划地为界的“学术”,都不应该成为创作的藩篱。Sources, forms, materials, professions, media, and even the so-call academics with borders, should not be the hedges of creation.

内容上突破了歌舞升平、祝寿、神仙道化、儿女情爱的藩篱,使杂剧内容开拓出一条警世现世,劝导尘凡俗人的新径。It broke through song and dance, birthday, god, love of content. To make opera have a word of warning, to persuade the new features.