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再见,宝贝。Ciao, baby.

是啊,宝贝。Yeah, baby.

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宝贝,我该迟到了。Babe, I'm late.

那火焰,宝贝。The Fire, baby.

你是我的宝贝。You are my baby.

宝贝,把它给妈妈。Give it to mommy.

宝贝,让我们大放光芒吧!Baby let us shine.

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宝贝,我可以做什么?Baby, what can I do?

宝贝,我能说什么?Baby, what can I say?

到这儿来,我的宝贝们。Come here, my honeys.

如果没有你,宝贝?。If it aint you baby ?

基斯,宝贝,你醒醒。Keith, babe, wake up.

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看,宝贝,我需要你。See, baby, I need ya.

继续播这张唱片愀宝贝。Spin that record babe.

星际宝贝大逃亡!Stitch's Great Escape!

为了华尔德和我的宝贝。To Walter and my baby.

我的宝贝,宝贝,宝贝哦。My baby, baby, baby noo.

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我的宝贝,宝贝,宝贝新手。My baby, baby, baby noo.

我的宝贝,宝贝,宝贝,不。My baby, baby, baby noo.

试试强拍吧,宝贝。Try the downbeat, honey.