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我只听到一声重重的关门声。I only heard a heavy door.

层层迷雾遮蔽了重重峰峦。Fogs hide the mountain peaks.

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他受到重重的一击。He was struck by a heavy blow.

因为这样会危机重重。because it's too much at stake.

他砰的一声重重放下一袋水泥。He slapped a sack of cement down.

罗玛重重叹了口气,继续说道。Roma sighs heavily and continues.

这个过程也将问题重重。That process, too, will be fraught.

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这个重重的包把椅子压坏了。The heavy bag made the chair broken.

我们驱车驶过重重宫门。We dromm-e through the palace gates.

想念是一种重重的,有点疼痛的感觉。Missing you is a heavy, achy feeling.

他将我重重的撂下,转身离去。He will be my heavy down, turned away.

他陷入了重重财政困难之中。He was enmeshed by financial difficulties.

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下巴上挨的重重的这一拳把他打昏了。The heavy blow on the chin knocked him cold.

他想骑那匹马,让马给重重摔了下来。He had a bad spill trying to ride that horse.

整个油站因抵受不住重重的积雪而倒塌。The oil station collapsed due to heavy snows.

昨晚我被一个强盗重重的一拳打在脸上。I was bashed in the face by a mugger lastnight.

他们在一斗争中奋力决斗,在战争中被重重包围。They strove in single combat, locked in battle.

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突然发现自己被食人族重重包围。Suddenly find themselves surrounded by cannibals.

突然,一只手重重的摇了一下汤普金斯的肩膀。Suddenly a heavy hand shook Mr Tompkins's shoulder.

听到这个,国王重重奖赏了裁缝师。The king, hearing this, rewarded the tailor richly.