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他们希望税捐略微减少。They are hoping for a small diminution in taxes.

演讲者抨击了政府的税捐提案。The speaker lit into the government for its tax bill.

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对税捐机关隐瞒收入是违法的。The concealment of one's income from the tax office is illegal.

附带条件委付盖印契约帐号是匮?税捐及保险支付所需要的。Escrow accounts for property taxes and insurance payments are required.

直接过境的行李和货物应免除海关关税和其它类似税捐。Baggage and cargo in direct transit shall be exempt from customs duties and other similar taxes.

上级部门通知,如有重征棉纱税捐的情况发生,应当立即。The higher authority was notified that if dual tax was levied on cotton yarn, it should immediately be repealed.

商人为了省钱,免不了会耍一些手段以逃避税捐。一旦收到税捐处的处罚通知,他们心中的波澜会小吗?Businessman plays tricks to escape tax. Once he receives the notice of penalty from tax bureau, doesn't he feel much panic?

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但他仍指出,在这个国家的某些地区,房屋所有权带来的税捐的减免可以抵消这些费用的一半甚至更多。He does note, however, that the tax benefits of home ownership can offset half or more of these costs in some areas of the country.

第五条租赁标的船舶应缴一切有关税捐由甲方负责,但营业有关税捐尽归乙方负责缴纳。All relevant taxes payable for the leasing fishing boat are covered by Party A, while business-related taxes are covered by Party B.

维吉尼亚州用税捐付给英国国教神职人员薪俸,其他非英国国教的神职人员则必须依靠会众的志愿奉献。Virginians' tax money paid the salaries of Anglican clergy while non- Anglicans had to support their own clergy through voluntary contributions.

完全或部分地取消由政府单位强加的某种征用。该词经常用于征税,特别税捐和服务收费等方面。Complete or partial cancellation of a levy imposed by a governmental unit. Abatements usually apply to tax levies, special assessments, and service charges.

但于输入后五年内输往课税区者,应依进口货品之规定,课徵进口税捐、货物税及营业税。However, the import duties, commodity tax, and business tax shall be collected for those transported to duty- levying areas within five years from the importation.

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另外是地方生产不足,对中央的税捐需求不能满足,造成中央的不满。On the other hand, local insufficient production begets failure in meeting the central governmental requirement of tax. Central government hence, feels discontented.

季节性之自偿商业贷款、消费者住房抵押贷款、预期税捐本票、商业定期贷款、银行信用卡、及许多其它形式。Seasonal self-liquidating business loans, consumer home-mortgage loans, tax anticipation notes, business term loans, bank credit cards, and many other forms are used.

四十个州预报在当前的财政年度税捐收入会增加,根据国家立法机关全国性会议的一份即将来临的报告。Forty states forecast having an increase in tax receipts in the current fiscal year, according to a forthcoming report by the National Conference of State Legislatures.

实际上,政府不但容忍,而且还鼓励有关民生的批评,如佣人的税捐、较安全的公路、节省用水、公积金等。In practice, the government not only tolerates , but encourages criticism regarding practical matters of day-to-day living, such as maid levies, safer roads, saving water, the CPF.

受讬机构办理不动产投资信讬业务,因运用、管理所产生之费用及税捐,得迳自信讬财产中扣除缴纳之。In case of the Trustee engaged in the business of REIT, the expenses and taxes derived from the utilization and management may be directly deducted from the trust property for payment.

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第9条中华邮政公司经营之递送邮件业务及供该项业务使用之邮政公用物、业务单据,免纳一切税捐。Article 9 Mail delivery services provided by Chunghwa Post, as well as all postal property and bills, receipts and other documents used to provide such services, shall be exempt from taxes.

主政者加负百姓身上的劳役税捐日愈沉重,不履行义务者就施以极不相称的惩罚,许多人被发配边疆,不从者就处以死刑。The service and tax that governors impose on people get more and more heavy. The escaper is punished by very inappropriate ways. Many people are banished to the frontier of country or killed.

凡已发生而尚未支付之各项应付费用,包括应付薪工、租金、利息、营业税、应付其他税捐及其他应付费用等皆属之。Expense incurred but not yet paid, including accrued payroll, accrued rent payable, accrued interest payable , accrued VAT payable , accrued taxes payable -other and other accrued expense payable.