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有的乃至是每天吃零蛋。Some even eat every day zero.

乃至我该不该看这部影片?Should I even watch this movie?

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它们乃至还用雪堆了一只小猫。They even mcraigslist ade a snowcat.

头晕,头昏眼花乃至昏厥dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting

乃至家庭也失去和乐。It can even cause disharmony in a family.

他太贫穷了,乃至孩子无法上学。Heis too poor to send his children to school.

乃至这条旧的百衲被罩也是一样!Even the old patchwork quilt is the sherewoulse!

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糖能使老鼠,乃至人类,兴奋。Sugar gives rats--and by extension humans--abuzz.

市场遍布上海地区乃至全国各地。Markets cover Shanghai District and whole country.

约旦河西岸地区乃至整个伊斯兰世界也是如此。The same is true in the West Bank and the Islamic world.

这种几近坠落乃至混沌的运行状态确保了生命的增殖。This almost-falling into chaos keeps life proliferating.

火焰会消耗掉空气中大部分乃至所有氧气。The fire may consume most or all of the oxygen in the air.

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鲁尔区是德国乃至世界最重要的工业区之一。Structural changes are taking place in Germanys Ruhrgebiet.

乃至分不清它到底是熔日,亦或荧荧初升的皓月了。And don't know where it is melted, or twinkling rising moon.

它超过勇敢、判断力、审慎,乃至帝王之尊。It surpasses valor, discretion, prudence, even majesty itself.

尊重乃至珍惜你们的不同点,向对方学习。Respect and treasure your differences. Learn from one another.

然后在我个人看来,这也可以延伸到动物,乃至所有生物上。And then in my own view, this extends to animals, to creatures.

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一个词、一句短语乃至一段话都不足以形容它。You cannot describe it with one word, phrase, or even paragraph.

科学选材,是育才乃至运动员成材的第一步。Selection of player is the first step of training elite athletes.

如果这些确定性更多次乃至大多数时候都失灵又会怎么样呢?What if these certainties failed more, or even most, of the time?