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但是转换全局的战略方针,必然要是运动战。But the pivotal strategy must be mobile warfare.

想在运动战中得分,你须观察好对方的防守。When you are shooting off the dribble you want to read the defense.

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我们有可能以最大的效率来进行运动战。It is possible for us to pursue mobile warfare with the utmost efficiency.

他们擅长于运动战,并且在进攻方面有很多办法。They are very good in the transition game and have many offensive weapons.

杜雪颜她们继续在密林中用运动战打击佐藤部队。Du Xueyan in the jungle with them continue to campaign against Misaki Sato forces.

堑壕战在第二次世界大战欧洲战场的运动战中较少应用。Relatively little use was made of trenches in the mobile warfare of World War II in Europe.

我考虑帕克可能是一个纯粹的组织后卫因为他只能在运动战中得分。It's hard to sit here and nitpick, because usually your pure point guards are your backup point guards.

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此阶段中我之作战形式主要的是游击战,而以运动战辅助之。In this stage, our form of fighting will be primarily guerrilla warfare, supplemented by mobile warfare.

他把埃弗拉的传中顶进大门,这也是他自去年3月以来的第一个运动战进球。The striker headed home Patrice Evra's left-wing cross to notch his first goal from open play since last March.

托蒂进了一个球,但他在运动战中什么时候能全面找回进球感觉,那才是关键。Totty has had a goal, but when can he find the goal feeling comprehensively in the mobile warfare, that is a key.

所以,集中兵力,采用包围迂回战术,是实施运动战即外线的速决的进攻战之必要条件。War of annihilation entails the concentration of superior forces and the adoption of encircling or outflanking tactics.

所以美国队选择了一些擅长运动战和投篮的队员,只有德怀特·霍华德是一个真正的中锋,用以控制篮板。So the U.S. roster is built to spread the floor and shoot, with just one true center, Dwight Howard, to bang the boards.

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英国军队过去一贯表现出当运动战发生时他们一点也不比别的军队逊色。The British forces would show , and did show, that when it came to mobile battle they were just as good as the next man.

中国军队要胜利,必须在广阔的战场上进行高度的运动战。To achieve success, the Chinese troops must conduct their warfare with a high degree of mobility on extensive battlefields.

在踢中场中路的那些场次中,他一共在运动战中尝试了1715次传球,成功1483次。In the matches he played in central midfield he attempted a total of 1715 passes in open play of which 1483 were successful.

第二阶段,则游击战将升到主要地位,而以运动战和阵地战辅助之。In the second stage guerrilla warfare will advance to the first place and will be supplemented by mobile and positional warfare.

他的威胁在于只要他碰到球,不管是任意球,或是运动战,没有任何对手可以阻止他进球。He's dangerous with every touch of the ball and no opponent can keep him away from the goal whether it's a free-kick, an assist or a goal.

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如果大量军队采用运动战,而八路军则用游击战以辅助之,则胜利之。If a vast number of troops wage mobile warfare with the Eighth Route Army assisting them by guerrilla warfare, our victory will be certain.

游击战在整个抗日战争中的战略地位,仅仅次于运动战,因为没有游击战的辅助,也就不能战胜敌人。Its role in the strategy of the war as a whole is second only to that of mobile warfare, for without its support we cannot defeat the enemy.

运动战的特点之一,是其流动性,不但许可而且要求野战军的大踏步的前进和后退。One of the characteristics of mobile warfare is fluidity, which not only permits but requires a field army to advance and to withdraw in great strides.