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选择在生活的刀口上生活。Choose to live on life’s edge.

和手术刀形成的刀口一致。It's consistent with a scalpel.

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这刀口不会留下疤痕。The cut will not leave any scar.

这刀口不会留下疮疤。The cut will not leave any scar.

我捡起刀,把刀口磨快。I blunted the edge of the knife yesterday.

硬化之后,刀口将变得坚硬却不失弹性。After hardening the blade becomes both stiff and flexible.

锋利的刀口,手感舒适的包胶手柄。The sharp blade, feel comfortable handle the plastic bags.

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比在坚韧的刀口上还要痛,你记得我讲过的一句话吗?Than in the tough blade and pain, you remember I have said a word?

所述刀柄位在刀体的主刀口区的正上方。The handle is arranged over the main knife-edge area of the knife body.

他的喉咙血淋淋的,刀口很深,几乎都要被斩首了。His bloody throat had been cut so deeply that he was nearly decapitated.

出料口底刀为双重闭合装置,刀口密封严密。The hopper bottom sword is double close set, edge is pressurize rigorous.

做了切除阑尾的手术之后,刀口会疼怎么办?After becoming the operation that excises appendix, how can blade ache to do?

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其测量采用了刀口扫描和狭缝扫描两种方式。It can utilize two measuring methods, knife-edge scanning and slits c anning.

适用于各种削片机、环式刨片机,刀口锋利,寿命长。Used in all kinds of chippers and loop flakers. Sharp blade, with long usage life.

一道小小的刀口就会让我们疼得龇牙咧嘴,到处找创可贴,其实这样的伤口通常并不严重。A small cut might leave us cursing and reaching for a BandAid, but it's rarely serious.

绞架顶上捆着他那把刀,刀口向上,刀尖在空中。On the top of the gallows is fixed the knife, blade upwards, with its point in the air.

即使身处战场,他依旧仁慈聪慧,绝不在刀口留下心灵的污点。His wit in the combat, as gentle as bright, Never carried a heart-stain away on its blade.

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合金钢材质经热处理,研磨修边刀,刀口锋利,精密度高。Alloy steel via heat treatment, grinding blade , enable to keep sharp edge and high precision.

木柄,不锈钢连铁组件,经过处理的直边或齿边刀口,更坚韧,开洞更干净利索。Steel alloy body with wooden handle, treated scalloped or tooth edge blade ensure clean cut hole.

开槽部·开槽刀厚度7毫米优质合金钢制作,齿形刀口锋利耐磨度高。Slot Department slotted knife 7 mm thickness quality steel production, wear high-profile cut edges.