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滚出去。Get out.

去把垃圾拖出去。Pull it out.

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纳尼娜出去了。Nanine went out.

我把格雷格踢出去了。I kicked Greg out.

把我弄出去。Get me out of here.

她开车出去了。She has driven out.

今晚带我出去好吗?Take me out tonight?

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报纸被风吹了出去。The papers blew out.

我们立刻跑了出去。We at once went out.

你放心好了,我不会说出去的。What is it you mean?

谁把猫放出去了?Who let the cat out?

我想出去散散步。I want to air myself.

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是谁把话传出去的?。Who let the word out?

先把孩子弄出去。Get a child out first.

他已流亡出去了。He has exiled himself.

咱们今晚出去吃饭吧。Let's eat aut tonight.

好的。那带它出去吧。Okay, so take him out.

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喂了,而且我把它放出去了。Yes,and I put her out.

高飞飞快地跑了出去.Gofer runs out quickly.

我一会儿就要出去了。I'll be out in a jiffy.