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皇后万岁!Long live queen!

我命名了她的皇后.I named her Queen.

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皇后和我一起.Queen and me together.

一件给皇后的礼物?A gift for the tsarina?

呱,呱,鸭子皇后。Quack, quack, Duck Queen.

我们向皇后鞠躬致敬。We all bowed to the Queen.

你最好变心,学皇后。My heart will never change.

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走出独孤皇后的病房。Out of the queen dugus ward.

接着放2号皇后,依此类推。Then put 2 queens, and so on.

你就是国际象棋皇后。You are the chess queen dujour.

我清理了皇后,直到她照耀.I cleaned Queen until she shone.

独孤皇后来到太子府上。Queen dugu came to prince round.

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邪恶的皇后有一面魔镜。The Evil Queen has a magic mirror.

温柔对己则是皇后。And gentleness to oneself is queen.

为什么它要移动它的皇后Why did the computer move its queen?

但美智子皇后于周一表示自己的身体状况已好转。But Michiko said Monday she was fine.

牡丹被人们誉为花皇后。Peony is called the queen of flowers.

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皇后时,她脸红了。The Queen looked blushed in her turn.

没有,皇后西街有什么魅力呢?Have you been to the Queen Street West?

你最好变心,学皇后。Make it change. Learn from the Empress.