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想打场网球吗?Feel like a game of tennis?

现在,让我们去打场棒球吧。Now let's go play some baseball.

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我只是想为自己打场好球。I just wanted to play well for myself.

反正打场雪仗是绝对不成问题。But we can definitely have a snow fight.

我原本可以打场好球的。I could have just really got it rolling.

我今晚不想读书,让我们打场曲棍球吧。I don't feel like studying tonight. Let's go to a hockey game.

你喜欢看足球比赛。什么时候打场比赛?。You like watching football matches. How about a game sometime?

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按照“历史经验”,奥巴马可能要打场硬仗。If history is anything to go by, Obama might be in for a rough ride.

喜欢打场羽毛球吗?咱们一起痛痛快快疯玩一场吧!Hey, fancy a badminton game?I just wanna get excited and loud with you.

我们一定要把握好时机,打场漂亮的攻歼战。We must take this good opportunity to fight an excellent eradication battle.

治理乱占道路、打场晒粮、焚烧秸秆、控制白色污染、整顿规范集贸市场。Governance problem roads, a market drying grain, burning straw, control white pollution, regularizing the markets.

洋基游击手队长在第六局上半以一垒单打继续延伸他的连续安打场次到20场。Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter extended his hitting streak to20 games with a single in the top of the sixth inning.

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如果下一场还没打头衔战,他也不该去找个容易对付的拳手打场过渡赛,那样会伤及他的排名的。If he doesn't get a title fight in his next outing, he shouldn't take an easy opponent as a tune-up so as not to mess up his ranking.

此外网球俱乐部也随处可见,每个镇上的公园里都有网球场,人们不用花太多钱就能打场网球。Moreover, there are plenty of tennis clubs. Every town provides numerous tennis courts in public parks, and anyone can play tennis cheaply.

分明是为我们说的。因为耕种的当存着指望去耕种。打场的也当存得粮的指望去打场。Yes, this was written for us, because when the plowman plows and the thresher threshes, they ought to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest.

经济停滞不前,银行家大声咆哮,政府随时准备打场“硬仗”,在野党内部纷争不断,匈牙利一切照旧。THE economy is in a funk, the bankers are howling, the government is spoiling for a fight and the opposition is eating itself. Business as usual, then, in Hungary.

按说打场羽毛球也不算啥剧烈运动啊,昨天我也就是比划了那么几下子,今天起来这屁股咋就这么疼呢,有点如坐针毡的感觉。Ordinarily not thresh grain badminton life strenuous exercise ah, yesterday I was moving so few Now, today with this ass Why do so on pain, it's a feeling of putting the heat.