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拉火绳一头带钩用于为大炮点火的绳索。A cord with a hook at one end used to fire a cannon.

他手里还抓着放炮的火绳杆。He had still the linstock of his gun in his own hand.

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子弹从西班牙火绳枪发出,直奔我的心脏。Fired point-blank at my heart by a Spanish arcabucero.

十二个人,全副装备,每人都配了枪架和火绳枪。Twelve men, all equipped, having each his rest and his matchlock.

下面,角落里,堆着鸟枪,步枪,和火绳枪。While underneath, in a corner, were fowling-piece, musket, and matchlock.

大炮后膛门关上后,一切准备就绪,炮手拉动引火绳。When the breech was closed and all was ready, the gunner yanked the lanyard.

苏丹火绳枪兵来自非洲各处,是训练有素的火绳枪部队。Hailing from all over Africa these well trained troops are armed with an arquebus.

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与火绳枪手相比,弓箭手依赖的是自身体能。The bowman is dependent for real efficiency on his bodily strength much more than the arquebusier.

这些部队轻装上阵,使用轻型火绳枪进行作战。These soldiers are lightly armoured and carry the caliver firearm, a lighter variant of the arquebus.

此外,阵中火力覆盖良好,波兰步兵的火绳枪得到了炮兵的火力支持。In addition, the center was covered well with firepower, Polish infantry musketry supported by artillery.

出现刺刀前,火绳枪兵要扭转他们的火枪,并把它们作为棒子来击败了对手。Before it arrives, musketeers have to reverse their muskets and use them as crude clubs to beat down opponents.

战象可将敌军人马踏为肉泥,同时背负的火绳枪兵亦居高临下对敌人进行致命射击。Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust.

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战象可将敌军人马踏为肉泥,同时背负的火绳枪兵亦居高临下对敌人进行致命射击。Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men and horses into the dust.

轻火枪骑兵身穿鳞甲,使用轻型火绳枪和长剑进行作战。These horsemen wield the lightweight caliver and are equipped with brigandine armour and a sword for close quarters encounters.

潮湿的天气可以让火药失效,大风可以吹灭火绳,或者把火绳上的火花吹到装满火药的药筒或者弹带上。Wet weather spoils the powder, windy weather blows out the match, or sends its sparks flying among the powder of horns or bandoliers.

挽弓怒射百步穿杨需要极佳身体素质,相比之下,这些部队更为青睐火绳枪的机械驱动装置。These mercenaries prefer the complexities of the matchlock firing mechanism over the physical conditioning required to make effective archer.

苏丹火绳枪兵来自非洲各处,多出身于奴隶或平民,训练有素,军纪森严。Sudanese Gunners come from all over Africa. Made up of slaves and freemen , these sought after troops are well trained and disciplined troops.

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尽管火绳枪极为原始简陋,但仍可对敌军造成巨大杀伤和心理恐慌,其威力亦足以穿透任何盔甲。Although primitive, the arquebus is able to inflict considerable damage and panic when used at close range, and can penetrate almost any armour.

最终绯丝在搏斗中占了上风,把他悬在了屋顶上,打算讯问出更多情报,不想此时火绳却被一名神秘刺客抢先杀害了。Faith gains the upper hand, and hangs him over a rooftop, attempting to gain information, but before she can, Ropeburn is killed by an unknown assassin.

如果说坏天气对火绳枪不利,对于弓也好不到哪里去。下雨可以让弓弦松弛,在雨天行军以后,箭羽往往会脱落。If bad weather is pernicious to firearms, it is no less so to bows. Rain makes bowstrings slacks, and after a march in the wet arrow—feathers flake off.