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那就从这里汲取力量吧!Then take strength from this.

他旋开桶塞汲取苹果酒。He tapped off cider from a cask.

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它也大量汲取其他的学科。It draws heavily on other disciplines.

图1带有鹅颈汲取管的钢瓶。Fig. 1 Cylinder with gooseneck dip tube.

从井中汲取一满桶的水。Dip up a bucketful of water from the well.

但是也不应忘记从胜利中汲取教训。But only by heeding the lessons of victory.

我们要从事件中汲取教训。We need to learn lessons from the incident.

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你可以汲取别人的经验教训。You may profit by the experience of others.

我很好奇,为什么没人汲取波兰人的教训?Why, I wondered, does no one offer Polish lessons?

综合学习课程让学生汲取不同的知识。Students are in for diverse pursuits under the ILP.

就像是一本打开的大书,让他们从里面偷汲取点子。As a huge open book for them to steal take ideas from.

爱是汲取天堂空气的至上之乐。Love is a celestial respiration of the air of paradise.

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过去的已经过去了,我们可以做的是从中汲取教训。The past is over, and all we can do is learn from them.

你要从他的话中汲取力量,得到鼓励而能忍耐。Draw strength from His Word and be encouraged to endure.

⊙、果能从失败中汲取教训,失败亦是成功。Fruit can draw lessons from failure, failure is success.

注意汲取对手的成功并避免重蹈他们的覆辄。Note what works for competitors and avoid their pitfalls.

附加议定书是汲取这些教训的体现。The additional protocol is the embodiment of those lessons.

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自我疗愈是当可得到爱来汲取的时候而发生。Self healing occurs when there is love available to draw upon.

儒学现代化应向巴哈伊汲取什么?What should modernization of confucianism absorb from bahaism?

“我们在竭尽全力从日本事件中汲取教训,”贝克说。“We are striving to learn from the Japanese event,” says Becker.