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他们从不凝思任何问题。They never dwell on any problems.

宝钗一般会在未来的孩子这个问题上凝思细想。Bao-chai usually paused on the contemplation of possible children longest.

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他放下报纸,坐着凝思,第一印象多不可靠啊。He set aside the article andsat thinking of how wrong first impressions can be.

举头望皓月,凝思意中人。若得尔陪伴,一生终无憾!Wang cited the first Haoyue, Ningsi matches. If a Seoul company, Wuhan end his life!

我慢慢的咀嚼着,凝思着脂肪的芳香和肉质的绵密。I chewed it slowly, dwelling on the sweetness of the fat and the density of the meat.

坐在屋角凝思,把我的世界中的你们都写在韵律里,是甜柔的。It is sweet to sit in a corner to muse and write in rhymes that you are all my world.

她的丈夫用他的鼓带领我通过打坐凝思,并且送我一本他写的书。Her husband led me through meditation with his drum and gave me a book of his writings.

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中国图片画廊。中国湖南省一位中国农民凝思注意一个古老的风景稻子梯田。Chinese farmer pauses to regard an ancient landscape of terraced rice fields in China's Hunan Province.

没有一个地方可以让你躲避在你心中反复凝思的想法。There is no place you can go to hide from the thoughts that you keep contemplating over and over inside your mind.

这里他凝思着为何记忆总被物体所触及,而这些物体的的意义是如何变化的。Here he ponders how memories are so often triggered by material objects and how the meaning of these objects can change.

他还在凝思那不兴的打击,她已经下了马车,跑到梅利那里,敏捷蹬上了另外一辆马车。While he was absorbing that unpleasant blow, she climbed out of the buggy and ran to Melly and climbed swiftly into the other buggy.

他们使用了遭遇小组,身体工作,东部凝思,形态,家庭系统,LSD,浴盆,裸体,并且名单去不停。They used encounter groups, body work, eastern meditations, gestalt, family systems, LSD, hot tubs , nudity, and the list goes on and on.

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丹尼尔K.加德纳是历史学教授,也是史密斯学院东亚研究项目的负责人,同时他还是“凝思中国网”的创办人。Daniel K. Gardner is a professor of history and the director of the program in East Asian studies at Smith College and the author of

走进心仪的千年松的境界,虔诚地把心智扎进地层,一如松之千载凝思。Walking into the state of the thousand-year pine we admire, its intelligence is found to take root in the stratum, like the pine's thousand-year's meditation.

用粉色的花蜜来穿着,凝思或者装饰你的周围会突出你的美丽气质并让你享受生命带给你的珍宝。Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with Pink Nectar accentuates your beautiful spirit and allows you to enjoy the treasures that life brings your way.

的优雅,有时又表现出神奇力量,把听众时而带入凝思,时而带入疯狂。She becomes one with her instrument, sometimes with a most delicate grace, sometimes with a surprising power, making the audience passing from the meditation to frenzy.

凝思风中沉淀的一段岁月的风风雨雨,仰望寒星朗照的夜空,一颗流星优雅地划过梦的眼睛。A disturbances of years that the deep in thought precipitates in the breeze, look up at the night sky that the cold star shine on, a meteor rowed eyes of the dream with grace.

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在这个模糊了自然和人文界限,回归客户本质需求的空间中,每一个人都可以在此放飞思绪尽情想象,也可以去除杂念凝思静想。In this space blurring natural and cultural boundaries while returning to the space of the true needs of guests, everyone can enjoy free imagination and also meditation without distractions.