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先是涓涓细流,接下来是滔滔洪水。First a trickle, then a flood.

常予先是我最好的朋友。Chang Yuxian is my best friend.

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先是选举,现在又出这事。First the election, and now this.

先是崔佛被开单,现在又这样。First Trev's ticket, and now this.

先是外蒙古问题。First, the issue of Outer Mongolia.

是的,先是去结婚,然后还得到巴黎去一次。Yes, first, and then to go to Paris.

先是吃了顶上一层,然后吃了一半,最后……”“你给我住嘴!”First top off, then half done, then --.

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先是船帆损坏了,接着船桅也折断了。First the sails and then the masts went.

我们先是大比分领先,之后又被对手追上。We had a big lead, but let them back in.

先是在19世纪50年代兴起了淘金热,You first had the gold rush in the 1850s

贝蒂先是一怔,而后笑了起来。Betty shook off her surprise and laughed.

先是苍白,而后粉墨登场。And, white first, grow incarnadined, because.

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大人们先是着急,后来又不急了。The adults were worried and then not worried.

白玖瑰先是惊讶,而后脸上升起一丝红晕。White rose at first, and then face a red rose.

孩子们先是随意浏览各地。The children first viewed each sites at random.

这两个人先是争吵起来,接着又扭打在一起。The two men quarrelled and there was a scuffle.

先是我被灰熊袭击。现在又轮到你。First I was victimized by a grizzly and now you.

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先是他那寒碜的小店变得面目一新了。First his humble little shop became a smart one.

先是这段旋律的第一次呈现So here is the first presentation of our melody.

谁会先是一愣,然后眼泪决堤。Who will be the first one, then the tears burst.