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我讨厌这顶遮阳帽。I hate this hat.

有遮阳帽吗?Do you have sun hats?

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她戴着一顶紫色遮阳帽,漂亮极了。In a lilac sunbonnet she was it.

她戴着一顶浅紫色遮阳帽,真是漂亮极了。In a lilac sun bonnet she was it.

她怎么没有把遮阳帽带来呢?Why hadn't she brought something to eat?

阳光猛烈时,外出请戴上遮阳帽或太阳镜。Wear a hat or sunglasses when you are in the sun.

去海滩时戴上墨镜和遮阳帽。Wear your sunglasses and sunhat before you go to the beach.

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遮阳帽则让太阳的强光,在你细嫩面部之外显示刚烈。Hats are equally important in protecting your face from the sun.

我取下了遮阳帽,因为我这时候已经不需要这遮眼的东西了。I took off the sun-bonnet, for I didn't want no blinders on then.

“眼睛”是孩子的脸,被一顶白色遮阳帽遮住了。The “eye” is the face the child, shadowed by a large white bonnet.

布道的人站在棚棚一头的高台之上。妇女们戴着遮阳帽。The preachers had high platforms to stand on at one end of the sheds.

剪辑调整和去,其中钩到的遮阳帽,并可以采取从汽车到汽车。Clip-tune-and-go which hooks to the visor and can be taken from car to car.

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托马斯夏特顿米皮特宙斯已经在我的遮阳帽里待了好久了。Thomas Chatterton Jupiter Zeus has been waiting in my sunbonnet a long time.

我们的产品主要包括时装帽,休閒帽,遮阳帽和球帽等。Our line mainly includes fashion hats, leisure hats, sun visors, baseball caps etc.

遮阳帽最好在四周都有2-3英寸的帽沿。Tightly woven brims that are 2-3 inches wide and that go all the way around are best.

关注“购票务”微信服务账号并购票,即有机会获得音乐节遮阳帽一顶!Follow Gopiaowu on Wechat and Buy Tickets. You May Win a Jinshan Beach Music Festival Hat!

我本想送给她一顶新遮阳帽和一件皮制新外衣,可是又怕她冒着刺骨的寒风往外跑,把皮肤吹粗糙了。If I thought it would not tempt her to go out in sharp winds, and grow coarse, I would send her a new hat and pelisse.

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注重眼部防晒。尤其是在烈日强光下,佩戴太阳镜或遮阳帽。Notice eye ministry is prevented bask in. Fall by force solely in burning sun especially, adorn sunglass or sunshade cap.

无论是在洗浴,户外玩耍,或者去海滩,洗浴&遮阳帽能够保护宝宝的小脸和眼睛。Whether taking a bath, playing outdoors, or going to the beach, Bath & Sun Visors help protect your little one's face and eyes.

在墨西哥小城机场候机的旅客大部分都是一身休闲度假装扮——穿着短裤、拖鞋,戴着遮阳帽、墨镜等等。At the gate in the small town Mexican airport, most passengers were in relaxed holiday outfits — shorts, sandals, sun hats, shades, etc.