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其他的伎俩也是一个接着一个。Other shenanigans followed.

这个伎俩屡试不爽。That always does the trick.

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这种伎俩没有吓倒汤姆·约翰逊。Such tactics did not daunt Tom Johnson.

这是一种令人沮丧的熟悉伎俩。It's a discouragingly familiar strategy.

廉颇老矣,也可学到新的伎俩。And that an old dog can learn a new trick.

掩饰真情就是他们统治的伎俩。That their chief art in reign dissembling is.

他们一直在耍弄种种卑鄙的伎俩。I wished he had never played his bastardly tricks.

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量大从优的促销误导是零售商喜欢使用的伎俩。Misleading bulk sales are another retail favorite.

这我能理解。因为以前,逃避也是我惯用的伎俩。I understand this. Avoidance was my modus operandi.

民主党人将此举斥为政治伎俩。Democrats dismissed the moves as political gimmickry.

我真的是受够了你玩弄感情伎俩和阴晴不定的心情变化!I really have had enough of your games and mood swings!

另一种伎俩,以打消光明白天拉窗帘!Another trick to quash bright daylight-pull the curtains!

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他用诱骗伎俩获得了理科教师的职位。He got the job of science abecedary by fraudulent agency.

这是虐待狂式交谈伎俩的一次小演习。It's an exercise in sadistic conversational gamesmanship.

爱玛看穿了她的伎俩,又回到了原先的猜疑上。Emma saw its artifice, and returned to her first surmises.

不要再耍那种伎俩去骗纯情小女生了!Do not play the kind of tricks to cheat the innocent girls!

他认为这一伎俩很可能使她克制住愤怒。He thought this strategy might help to contain her outrage.

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卧轮有伎俩,能断百思想对境心不起,菩提日日长。There are minds facing states, so how Bo grows up one day ?

你只能欺骗还不清楚你的伎俩的那些人。Yon can only humbug those who are not aware of your tricks.

他又跳,又吼,又叫,使尽各种伎俩来搅扰这苍穹。He danced, howled, raved, and otherwise disturbed the welkin.