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那字母成了她响应感召的象征。The letter was the symbol of her calling.

我愿精神把不同肤色民族感召。I wish spirit impel the different colors of skin.

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因此我开始祈求上帝给我激情和感召。So I started asking God for a passion and a calling.

或许受感召的位置是喉咙,从这里发出声音。Perhaps the enchanted site is the throat, where voice is born.

天灾人祸是共业所感召。Natural and man-made disasters originate in the collective karma.

在江放的感召下,润格积极投身到了革命的事业之中。In the river on appeal, rengar devoted himself to the revolutionary cause.

在这种信仰中,人人皆为神圣所感召,生活是通往神圣之径。In this faith we are all called to holiness and life is a path to sanctity.

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正是在这种精神的感召下,我欢迎你们各位来到白宫。It is in that spirit that I welcome each and every one of you to the White House.

今天,我们再一次受到了感召—此时正是我们这一代做出回应的时刻。Today we are called once more—and it is time for our generation to answer that call.

我有这个荣幸,就是受到你的感召而决定追随你的脚步,以热忱的服务来领导整个大团队。I obtained the position and honor just because I followed your spirit to serve members sincerely.

长征精神具有精神导向、凝聚向心、感召励志的时代价值。The spirit has value of the times of spirit-oriented, cohesion force, impel-force and aspiration.

他是一个虔诚的人,一个RMS的信徒并能受到图灵,冯·诺依曼和摩尔强大的精神感召。Linus was a devout man, a disciple of RMS and mighty in the spirit of Turing, von Neumann and Moore.

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教育的真谛是人文关怀、心灵沟通、生命互动、精神感召。Education is the essence of humanistic care, spiritual communication, interactive life, Jingshenganzhao.

我坚信,在这种精神的鼓舞和感召下,在2008年和今后的日子里我们必定能够超越我们的目标!With this spirit, I am confident that we can surpass our highly stretched objectives in 2008 and beyond.

在革命力量的感召下,赵关克走上了正确的道路,奔赴南昌参加起义。Below the impel of revolutionary force, zhao Guanke was on right way, hurry off to Nanchang to join revolt.

在新总统的感召和他对于服务社会的呼吁下,美国的自愿者精神迎来复苏。There is a revived spirit of volunteerism in the U.S., inspired by the new president and his call for service.

汤神父请继宗劝君约留下,否则君约可能回受神感召终身侍奉神。Tang priest please following advise you about leaving, otherwise you may be about to serve god by god for life.

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在宗教的感召下他们是最为好战的人,这点可以从他们栖身的城堡中体现出来。They were the most warlike of the religious orders, and this is reflected in the architecture they left behind.

受这个念头感召,自那时起我就一直在做我力所能及的好事,让他觉得我有我活着的价值。My joke is that I’ve been busy ever since, doing all the good work I can think of, so He can have confidence in me.

天灾人祸是共业所感召,要消除灾难,必先消除自己的罪业。Natural and man-made disasters originate in the collective karma. To banish them, we must first purge our bad karma.